Chapter 3: Tony's interrogation, and Trevor spends the night with the Parrs

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In an interrofation room, Tony is sitting down on a seat. He's being interrogated by a man name Rick Dicker. Rick is a friend to Bob and Helen, and he works for the government. Right now, he's interrogating Tony about what happened earlier at the stadium. 

Rick: File 82-712. Agent Rick Dicker interrogating. State your name, please. 

Tony: Uh, Tony. Tony Rydinger. 

Rick: Tell me about the incident. 

Tony: Well, there's this girl, um, in me and my brother's class. A girl my brother likes. I saw her at the track meet. I sort of knew her but she'd changed. My brother Trevor knows her though. Relaxed. She was more sure of herself. Cool, cute, I encouraged my brother to ask her out to a movie. And she said yes. And we went to watch the track meet. Not long after, this thing happened in the parking lot. 

He tells him about the Underminer attack. He was just in the parking lot with his friends. Then the giant drill came out of nowhere. He hid under a car. 

Tony: As if things aren't weird enough, I look over and I see these boots. They looked like superheroes. And after the two adult heroes leave, I noticed more boots. I looked, and there he was. The Green Ranger. The young boy runs off. I see my chance to get out of there. But there's something familiar about one of the kids' voices, and also familiar with the Green Ranger's voice. The girl, she's upset and she throws down her mask...and it's her! The girl Trevor likes. Then, the Green Ranger removes his helmet to her. She chuckles as they talk. She then notices me, and she looks in horror. The Green Ranger turns around...and it's my brother, Trevor! They both try to explain to me, but it was just getting too freaky. I couldn't handle it and ran off. I feel really bad about it. Maybe I should've said "hi" or something? Or just let them explain. It's not their fault superheroes are illegal. And it's not like I don't like strong girls. I'm pretty secure manhood-wise. And I don't believe what the Bugle says about Trevor. Trevor is a great hero. What is that?

He notices that Rick is setting up something. 

Rick: Have you told anyone else about this? Your parents? 

Tony: No, they'd only think I was hiding something. And they would also think I'm just trying to get Trevor into trouble. You know what I mean?

Rick: Sure, kid. 

Tony: I love my brother, Mr. Dicker. We're really close brothers. We have each others' backs. Now, things are just gonna be weird between us. I don't think things are gonna be the same ever again. (Sighs) I wish I could forget I ever saw them in those suits. 

Rick: (Turns on a laser beam, and aims it at Tony's forehead) You will, kid. You will.

He fires a suction cup at his forehead. Tony loses consciousness, and Rick begins to erase his memories of him seeing Trevor and Violet in their suits. Meanwhile, with Trevor, he's walking on a sidewalk. He's heading for the motel that Violet and her family are staying at. He feels like he can't go home yet. He doesn't want to face Tony right now. He looks at the sky, and sees it's getting dark now. He walks to a payphone, and inserts a quarter. He dials his home phone number to call his parents. He waits as it rings. Then, someone answers. It's his mother.

Mrs. Rydinger on phone: Hello?

Trevor: Hi, mom. 

Mrs. Rydinger on phone: Oh, hi, sweetie. Is everything okay?

Trevor: Yeah. Listen, I'm gonna spend the night with a friend tonight. I'll be home tomorrow morning. 

Mrs. Rydinger on phone: Ok. But are you sure you're okay?

Trevor: Yeah, I'm fine. Also, is Tony okay?

Mrs. Rydinger on phone: He's okay. He just got home, and went to bed. 

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