Chapter 1

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6 months later

I walk down the halls of the place I used to escape from the hell at home but all it seemed to do was hold my secrets but its a hell of a lot better than being in the house with all the memories.

I hear the slamming of lockers, the screaming football team jumped me back into reality I fucking hate reality. But my reality was anger? Why? Because my eyes made way to the one and only big buff douche bag of Lakeside High, Big reputation that guy has, apparently that's not the only thing that is big according to some girls that go here. Great his eyes met mine and that fucking smile could kill someone, he's a charming asshole who has a desperate need to get laid, but don't all guys. They have to take care of the little guy, K gross but sure yeah that wink was cute but he uses it to let the little guy reap all the benefits.

"hots for Mr. captain I see" Lauren said into my ear

"can you fuck off like I really hate you sometimes" I sighed, it looked like I was checking him out, but I was throwing up in my mouth. she really thought I had the hots for big dick douche bag warner or wait will I do not even care to know his name.

"dude his number look" Lauren teased "bro shut the fuck up" I teased back. I wasn't really teasing I really needed her to shut her mouth this was all to much. he winked at me and I found it hot someone come help my ass. if I didn't already need therapy id be requesting it right now. I start walking the rest of my distance to my locker, not fun walking past jock douche one and his little bitches, like Regina George and the rest of those animals disguised as major bitches. but they had dicks and, honestly the only difference. the thing in his pants was keeping him from being everything that is Regina George. terrible.

we get to my locker that is only down the hall and Lauren leans in and whispers "dude I think he's checking you out" I turn to see him staring at me "probably checking out that banging bod that someone thought they should bring out for once" she continued " k I ditched a hoodie for once don't act like I'm walking on water" I respond "at this rate you might start" she chuckles "no hoodie to weigh you down" I stared blankly at her "sweetheart, ill kick a ball at your face in practice, don't try me" I respond. "I love you more all the time Ash" she responded with a big smile. "what's not to love" I respond coldly. apparently everything is unlovable about me at least to my dad, so unlovable I needed to feel pain because of it. I hate when my mind runs to this place, the place full of hate and worry, a place with pain and suffering, a place where he still plays a big part.

I snap out of my thoughts and my painful mind, and look at my phone "class starts soon" I tell Lauren. "better get going don't die on me in math class" I tell her closing my locker. "old bag Mr. Thomas might bore me but not to death," Lauren said "well if those fucktards don't make him go into cardiac arrest again" I respond with humor and anger. they love to fuck with him, we all do. he takes it lightly, I hope. but he's lucky he's not dead, it was the most boring and fun class I had last year, does that make any sense, well neither does life.

I got a text from coach Miller

coach: field maintenance happenin

Ashlyn: what do you want us to do then

coach: end zone of football field

Ashlyn: coach you can text normally I wont disown you, promise.

coach: did you just use punctuation IN A TEXT

coach: holy lord i picked a good cap

Ashlyn: that will have to be a one time occurrence if you keep on referring to me as cap

coach: please no captain I need you to use proper grammar

Ashlyn: fine.

now had to text the group chat, I hated being forced to break the news but Coach thought a "private chat for all y'all girls alone" would be better, he tried to be "hip" his words not mine. but we all know he hates the drama of this stupid team. he couldn't say it because the girls and their daddy's money would not stand for it and all hell would break lose

I send a text to the group chat

Ashlyn: practice is on the end zone of the football field, don't ask where that is cant tell you coach should meet us there

Ashlyn: this is also not a episode of to hot too handle focus so we can practice no checking out the football team.

I tuck my phone into my pocket and hope this day goes by fast, faster than most days I need out of here

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