chapter 2

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the day went by fast, luckily for me. but now I had to go to practice and hold down this team, its days like today when I wish I wasn't captain. because we have no field to practice on, meaning interaction with the football boys, this happened a few times last season and the boys hated it while every girl except me and Lauren loved it. why? well football boys piss me off, they are just a bunch of buff assholes, and well Lauren doesn't exactly like any of the football boys, or the little guys in their pants.

I feel like the captain or coach will try to talk to me, I really hate talking to random guys it makes me uncomfortable, yeah that asshole might not get my tears, I might not even see him in myself anymore, even though I look almost identical to him. he will always be the reason I have fear, the reason I have trust issues, the reason I don't know what it feels like to be loved by the one man who should love me ten times more than anyone else he loves. that's not the case love isn't required when you have a kid, you take it your own way, as a parent your the driver of the proverbial bus, you just get to decide who takes the passenger seat. the one in the passenger seat who kept her mouth shut and let my dad run the show was my mother.

I'm pretty sure I don't know what its like to truly love someone, I loved my mom but I still had that hate, the hate caused by her weakness, hate caused by the pain she let him put her through, the pain she let him put me through. I cant know how to love someone if I don't know how it feels to be truly loved.

the pain erased from my mind as I see myself in the end zone by coach, my mind blacked out but my body had not, it led me too where I had to be, the area of the field that I didn't think had the name end zone, like I was under hypnosis. sadly that didn't even get rid of my pain, my hypnosis in life was pain.

next thing I know the rest of my team had waltzed over and coach said he needed to get the bag of soccer balls. he heads inside the school, where the backup bag is located. the usual bag is hidden behind the bleachers, I can fucking see them, he didn't want to hear the girls drama of having to practice in end zone, or hear the flirting by the other girls. that left me alone waiting for coach telling everyone to warm up, that's when I feel a presence behind me, I started knowing when someone was around ever since everything started with my dad, I always knew when he was around. I wasn't left feeling as uneasy with whoever this figure standing behind me was.

it was probably the captain, will or whatever. I heard someone clear their throat

guess who it was, the one and only

number 44, captain of Lakeside highs football team, whatever the fuck his name is.

I turned to meet his eyes, I didn't even give him my fake smile that would boost his already way to big ego, how did I know about his ego being way to big for his or any ones good, well the way he looked at me, the way he looked at any girl, and him being the captain of the football team. no regular guy would want to be on the fucked up football team at lakeside high, never mind being the fucking captain of it.

"you gonna say anything pretty boy" I made sure in my tone I wasn't calling him pretty boy in a good way. I had to say something he was staring into my soul, just like the detectives that interviewed me before my fathers arrest. like he wanted something more from me or like he needed to know something. I didn't know his name, and sure as hell didn't want him thinking I knew his name, so pretty boy it is from now on.

"id love to know what you and your little batting eyelash squad are doing on our football field during our practice, gorgeous" this fucker really needs to step off his high horse, calling me gorgeous and shit.

"field maintenance" I respond coldly, I seem to actually get cold.

"so gorgeous, what sport do y'all play, like cheerleading or something" he asks no dude we would be dressed in a lot less if we were cheerleaders, even though my ass has probably already dropped out of these shorts, I try to keep my ass covered but for the rest of the team more ass is out then covered up.

"our uniforms would be many inches smaller in that case pretty boy" I respond he lets out a chuckle "besides you should already know every girl on the cheer squad by name, hair color, and bra cup size by now don't you think pretty boy" I hope that one actually pissed him off as much as it seemed too.

"nice one gorgeous, real creative I see" he smirks. I hate him a little less, he does have a sense of humor.

"when are you gonna spit out what your team plays so I can get back to my team" he asks

"pretty boy" I respond looking at him like he's dumb "you really cant tell by the cleats on our feet" I keep going "or maybe its the soccer ball on the middle of the back of all our jerseys" I respond to him like he doesn't have a brain

he kind of just looks at me some what looking like he's in awe

"oh shit I forgot you were probably focusing on the tight shorts holding less than half of all my teammates asses" I respond hopefully not sounding as pissed as I thought

"to busy focusing on the front of you gorgeous" I was shocked he said that, I don't really know why I was so shocked but I was.

"Weston" someone from the football team screamed out while running towards us that someone happened to be Laurens twin brother, I like the guy, probably because a Ferris wheel is straighter than him. he is probably the only semi normal one on that team.

"hey cute stuff" Ryan said to me I looked at him like i wanted to kill him, probably because at this moment I did. "dude we aren't four anymore please spare me already" I respond in misery

"hey bro" Lauren said punching his arm really hard he winced a bit "Weston bro don't look at me like that, and stop giving those eyes to Ashlyn" he looked at Weston like he wanted to kill him, Ryan was way to overprotective for being a friend Weston gave him the same look right back

"dude off limits remember" Ryan said looking ready to pull out a gun. the gun he does not even have, I hope

"makes sense" Weston said back "what does, Wes" Ryan responded. I was wondering the same thing.

"the point of that was to let you know that this makes no sense" he started motioning with his arms we all looked at him confused as fuck

"so to get this all straight, she is off limits" he motioned to me "yes I said that dumb ass" Ryan responded, then he looked to Lauren, oh shit he doesn't know, or he doesn't care to remember "but she is" he pointed to Lauren then continued "your own sister man" Ryan was pissed or maybe he was ready to piss himself "she's lesbian you dip shit" he looked shocked " this dumb ass forgot even though I've told him like ten fucking times" Ryan told us, yeah no he was ready to piss himself

"ok hot shot go stretch or be useful to someone that isn't me, got it" Weston was embarrassed and it was fucking funny, sadly I let myself laugh at him and what just happened, Lauren leaned in to whisper "ill stop cock blocking you now" and walked away, Weston just smiled at me for a second "you liked the show huh gorgeous" he said smugly then he leaned in some more I was about to lean back until I saw him going towards my ear.

"I don't listen to what Ryan says, and I get my way gorgeous" he whispered into my ear. I felt his breath trail down my ear I think I shivered, he backed up and smiled making his way to his team while I made my way to mine.

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