chapter 1, part 1

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Gloria Delgado Pritchett arrived at the Pritchet-Tucker home. Today, Lily Tucker Pritchett and Gloria were going to have their own girls day. Gloria had realized days before that she and Lily did not get to see each other that often within the last 5-ish years. She immediately called Cameron to ask if she could see Lily for a day; take her shopping, have ice cream in the park, maybe play some video games from the 1980s, etc.

Of course, Cam agreed to the idea. He knew Lily had been wanting to see Gloria ever since Lily studied Colombia in school a while back.

Gloria walked up to the front door and knocked loudly. Not even 2 seconds later, Lily opened the door, holding her purse and wearing designer sunglasses Gloria gave her one Christmas. She was also wearing black skinny jeans and a cropped t-shirt.
"Looking good, Lily! Ready for the fun day ahead of us?" Gloria exclaimed. She hugged Lily and smiled.
"Yep. Just wait one sec. I have to let my daddies know your here." Gloria nodded.
At the top of her lungs, Lily yelled, "Daddies, Gloria is here! I'm leaving now!" Gloria plugged her ears and scrunched her face. She did not like loud noises, even though sometimes she could be loud herself.
Then the light flipped on and off twice, which was the Tucker-Pritchett way of telling people from a different room yes or no. On and off once instead means no. Mitchell flipped it on in the kitchen when he was eating breakfast (Lily had already had hers earlier)

So Lily and Gloria walked back to the driveway and went to Gloria's car.
"So, where do you want to go first?" Gloria asked.

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