And the Games Begin...

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Sang POV


I have spent the past week working with Luke for our Marathon April Fools Day.  We have prepped, prodded, deceived, and schemed.  Some simple, some elaborate and one very difficult Mr. Blackbourne prank to pull off.  Luke and I enlisted the help of some of the other boys in exchange for not pranking them.  We are of course still going to prank them; that is why Luke had to do the negotiations... they would have known I was lying.

The only two people we would not be pranking are Victor and Dr. Sean.  I told Luke it would be mean to prank Victor after he is letting us use his credit card for all the supplies.  As for Dr. Sean, he’s going to be at the Hospital all day.  Luke tried sneaking into one of the patient rooms to put an air horn under his chair that would go off when he sat down, but Dr. Roberts caught him red handed.

Right now I'm sleeping between Luke and Gabriel.  Well, I can't sleep because all I can think about is the long day we have ahead of us tomorrow and all the laughs we will share as a family.  I start to giggle and the bed starts to shake, it stirs Luke awake and he puts a hand over my mouth which only makes me giggle more causing Meanie to wake up too.

"Oy!  Trouble what are you giggling about?"

"Nothing Meanie"

"Mhhmm, you're thinking about what we are going to do to Nathan huh?"

At this I burst out laughing, not wanting to give away that I was thinking about all the pranks Luke and I will be pulling I was thankful when Luke spoke up for me.

"Yeah, he's going to be so bummed when he finds out Kota doesn't have clothes to share with him.”

With Victor’s handy dandy credit card we had repurchased Nathan’s entire wardrobe in two sizes smaller.  Taking all the original items, Gabriel stitched in the old size tags into the new items.  After his morning workout he will encounter our first decoy surprise.  Hopefully, he will think he’s survived the pranking only to be disappointed when he puts on his clothes.

I’m looking forward to all the pranks tomorrow, but Nathan’s is very enticing.  I can’t wait to see his chiseled muscles in finer detail with his too small shirts.

“Ok Trouble, back to sleep.  We still have a few hours until the shit hits the fan.”

Gabe fell asleep within 15 minutes, but just to be sure we waited another 20 until Luke got up to set up Gabes prank.  Using his ninja skills Luke slipped out of bed and headed to the bathroom to fill Gabe’s hair dryer with baby powder.  My only job for this prank is to make sure Meanie doesn’t blow dry my hair first, otherwise the joke will be on me!


Four Hours Later...


When Meanie woke up he asked me if I wanted to take a bath or if he could shower first.  I told him to shower first and I would sleep a bit longer.  The minute I heard the shower shut off I jumped off my bed and got my phone ready to take a picture of Gabe’s snowy surprise.  Hovering by the door I waited.

I could hear him shuffling around, opening drawers, plugging the cord into the socket, then the undeniable sound of the hair dryer turning on.

“What in the fucking shit is this!!!  Oy, Luke you fucker!  You promised not to prank me if I helped you with Nathan’s”, he screamed as he came to open the door.

I lifted my phone with the camera feature ready to go and...’CLICK’.  A picture of a soaking wet Gabe, towel around his waist with a snowy white face and hair.  The baby powdered had not only gotten his hair and face, but also part of his chest and was starting to clump from being a little damp still.

He looked like a bunny rabbit and I couldn’t help laughing.

“Sang!  You were in on this?  I knew you were going to be trouble today.  Hell your trouble everyday.  Give me that phone!”

Gabe lunged for the phone, but Luke was ready at the edge of the stairs.  I threw the phone to him as he raced downstairs, Gabe in hot pursuit, baby powder flying in his wake.  

“Luke, delete that picture, my hair looks like shit!”

“Sure I’ll delete it, after I send it to all the guys.”

Luke tapped some buttons on the screen and sent the message to everyone before Gabe was able to catch him and snag the phone.  Within seconds replies from the guys started coming in.

Dr. Sean: Pookie!  What did you do to Gabriel?

Mr. B:  That’s a new look for you Mr. does not suit you.

North:  Hey!  It’s Edward Cullens, just add sparkles.

Silas: I’m embarrassed for you that you know that character, North.

Kota: You look like a fluffy cock

Nathan: WTF?

Kota: I meant you look like a fluffy sock! Dumb auto correct!!

Silas: Agelle, don’t read Kota’s texts, he’s a bad influence.

Victor: Princess, behave yourself today.

With Gabe grumpily stomping up the stairs to clean off and get changed I wonder how the rest of our pranks are going that have already been set in motion.

Kota may think this text message incident was a one time fluke with auto correct, but he will soon learn different.  Victor helped us change many of the words in his phone to other funny ones and some ‘naughty’ ones as Luke put it.  Luke says I’m not allowed to look at the messages until he screens them first.

It’s just turning 7 so Nathan should be about done with his workout and North should be getting ready to pick up Silas from his assignment.  Silas has been up all night doing surveillance at the pier.  He couldn’t leave his car around without risking it being towed so North dropped him off last night and is going to pick him up this morning.  This will give North a taste of his prank and hopefully by the time he gets here he’s fired up and ready for me to snap a picture of his mad face.

April Fools MarathonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora