Pranks Revealed and Mr. Blackbourne Surprise

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We all laugh and start to gather ourselves in the kitchen to eat a snack and start preparing dinner for when Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Sean get here.

Mr. Blackbourne is the hardest person to prank!  Luke has told me stories about all the years he has attempted to pull something on him only to fail.  This year we were determined and with two minds instead of one I thought we were going to pull it off.  I came up with the idea, but Luke has spent the last week trying to set it up to no avail.

Our last chance is to get Victor to help us with his computer skills.  Hopefully he will be able to hack into Mr. Blackbourne's phone and re-program the ringtone he has set up for my calls.  I have selected a very special song for him and I have been dying all day to make that phone call, but I can't do it until everyone is in the same room tonight at dinner.  Luke wanted to program his phone with a motion detector to fart everytime he moved, but I didn't think that was very funny.  Don't get me wrong--farts are hilarious, but I like my idea so much better.

"Victor can you help me with one last prank?"

"Of course Princess.  Tell me what you need."

"Well, can you hack into Mr. Blackbourne's cell phone and change the ringtone he has for me."

All the boys in the kitchen go quiet at this piece of information.  They are probably wondering how Mr. Blackbourne will react.  Or maybe they are wondering if we will even be able to pull it off.

"Oy!  You think he'll fall for it this year?  Sang what are you changing the ringtone to?"

"It's a surprise Meanie!  I'm only telling Victor.  Luke doesn't even know."

I whisper the song I chose to Victor and he chuckles while shaking his head.  "You're bad Princess.  We will remember it for decades.  I just hope we can pull it off.  He has like a sixth sense when it comes to pranks."

Kota finishes the vegetables he was chopping and states, "I'll find out how long before he gets here.  He's supposed to pick up Dr. Green too."

Kota: How long before you're cumming?

Blackbourne:  Mr. Lee I suggest you learn appropriate spelling.

Kota:  Meow!

Kota: I mean Meow!

Kota:  It's auto-correct, I meant to say coming.  Meow!

Dr. Green:  Kota, you didn't tell me you got a cat.  How does Max feel about that?

Kota: I don't have a pussy!

Dr: Green:  I know Kota, you remember I am a doctor

Kota: I meant cat!  And meow!  It's the auto-correct

Dr. Green: Yeah blame auto-correct...

Blackbourne:  I believe Mr. Taylor has pulled a fast one on you Mr. Lee.  Please get this fixed before you reply to any Academy members with more foul language.

Kota: I'm meow, Mr. Blackbourne.  I'll have Victor take a look at my phone.  I was asking how long until you get here?

Blackbourne: ETA 20 minutes

We have been watching Kota texting Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green and I can't help but giggle at the frustration he shows.  His cheeks even turned a bit pink.  I wonder what caused that?  My small giggle sets off Luke and Kota finally looks up from his phone.  Through his black rimmed glasses he looks over at Luke.

"You did mess with my phone!"

"It wasn't just me!  Sang did it too!  Oww!!"  Luke tries to duck as North smack him upside the head.

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