All Wrapped Up

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Silas goes to sleep in my bed that is way too small for him.  I cuddle with him for a little bit until Luke comes up and motions for me to come out into the hallway.  I quietly and carefully slip out from under Silas' arm and meet Luke in the hallway for our next prank.

"Are you ready for this one?"

"Yes, do you have the supplies?"

Luke pulls out three Costco size boxes of saran wrap and an egg timer.  I'm in charge of setting the egg timer when it's time to wake Silas up and also call for him to come downstairs.  We are going to wrap the doorway in the thin plastic so that when he tries to walk out of the room half asleep he will bounce right off.  Victor is on his way over with a camera to attach to the wall across from the doorway to capture it all on film.

As Luke and I finish the doorway, Victor makes his way up the stairs.

"Victor you made it just in time!"

"I did, Princess.  Here I brought the camera.  Do you want me to set it up for you?"

"Yes, please.  I don't think I'm tall enough."

Luke and Victor chuckle at this.  Victor attaches the small camera to the wall right in front of my doorway.  He has programmed it to send the video to his computer automatically as a live feed that also records.  It's been a couple hours since Silas started napping so we feel it's okay to wake him.  I set the egg timer to go off in ten minutes and leave it by the edge of the door, then we all make our way downstairs.

Once we are downstairs Luke reminds me, "We have to make it real.  You need to call for him like you need help."

I worry at this because I don't want to scare Silas too much.  If he thinks I'm hurt and realizes I'm not when he is pranked will he be mad at me?  All the boys are huddled around the living room waiting for my response.  Even North who has finished looking over his car.  He didn't find anything wrong and he looks even grumpier than ever about it knowing he will have to drive home with that noise.

"But I don't want to scare him, why can't I just call him downstairs?"

"Because he needs to be running to have the full impact.  He will only run if he thinks you need him or are in danger."

The egg timer goes off and its game time, but I am still worried about tricking Silas and also worried my voice won't even be loud enough.  The boys see my hesitation.  Nathan and Gabriel close in on me before I can bolt and start tickling me.  This gets me to react the way they want.

"Silas!!  Help they are tickling me." My voice cracked, but I think it was enough to get Silas going.

We hear the loud stomps and are waiting for the big thump indicating Silas colliding with a saran wrapped doorway and falling flat on his butt, but it doesn't come.  Instead we hear more stomping coming down the stairs.

"Aggele are you okay?  Tell me who's bothering you and I'll get them."

The room busts up laughing at the wide eyed Greek giant standing in front of us with saran wrap hanging off his body like a chiton.  Silas realizes what he is wearing and puts the pieces together and joins in the laughter.  Victor pulls up the video feed on the flat screen connected to his laptop in the living room and we all watch as Silas bolts out of bed and runs straight through the doorway.  Silas was so big and strong the saran wrap didn't even phase him.

"Epic prank failure, Luke!"

"Aggele, were you in on this?"

"Yes"  I say with a giggle.  "Even though the prank didn't work, I think you bolting right through the saran wrap was funny."

"It was funny, just you wait until next year.  I'm going to get you back.  Even Angels get pranked."

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