the introduction

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Hi sorry if this is bad its my first time making this so sorry if its not what you wanted

mikey is the type to act cold to people he hates but act kind hearted around people he likes/loves

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mikey is the type to act cold to people he hates but act kind hearted around people he likes/loves

Likes:his gang,friends,family,food,people who trust in him

Dislikes:hanma,kisaki,people who betray him,people telling him what to do

Scared of:loosing all his friends,people stronger than him,izana

Scared of:loosing all his friends,people stronger than him,izana

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Hanma is obsessed with mikey and is the leader of Valhalla

Likes:mikey,mikey beggin,Mikey crying,mikey being scared of him,Izana(cause he knows Mikey is scared of him)

Dislikes:people who are close to Mikey,draken,takemichi,mikey not listening to him

Scared of:loosing Mikey,loosing his gang,loosing in a fight

Dtaken is very protective other his loved ones and his friends he's also dating mikey

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Dtaken is very protective other his loved ones and his friends he's also dating mikey

Likes:Mikey,family,friends,seeing Mikey happy,food

Dislikes:people trying to steal mikey,hanma,loosing a fight,people hurting mikey

Scared of:loosing Mikey,izana,friends and family dying

Takemichi is one of Mikey's friends and he isn't the crybaby like in the show and is quite strong

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Takemichi is one of Mikey's friends and he isn't the crybaby like in the show and is quite strong


Dislikes:kisaki,loosing,not being able to help

Scared of:loosing his friends,hina liking kisaki,toman leaving each other

Baji is one of Mikey's best friends and sees him as his brother(yes he's alive)

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Baji is one of Mikey's best friends and sees him as his brother(yes he's alive)

Likes:chifuyu,mikey,food,his gang,fighting

Dislikes:hanma,people hurting mikey

Scared of:loosing everyone he loves

Chifuyu he hardly knows what's happening and is takemichi's best friend

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Chifuyu he hardly knows what's happening and is takemichi's best friend

Likes:baji,fighting,takemichi,his friends

Dislikes:loosing in a fight,people ignoring him,people telling him to grow up

Scared of:loosing all his friends and family,getting betrayed,loosing baji

Scared of:loosing all his friends and family,getting betrayed,loosing baji

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Rindou also likes mikey but knows hanma likes him and is okay with it

Likes:mikey,mikey begging him,mikey crying,seeing mikey in pain,his brother

Dislikes:same as hanma

Scared of:same as hanma and scared of loosing his brother

Scared of:same as hanma and scared of loosing his brother

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Ran same as rindou

Likes:same as rindou

Dislikes:same as rindou

Scared of:same as rindou

Now that this is fine lets get into it

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