do you like me?

557 17 18

Hi guys this might be short since I'm sick well I've been sick for the past 3 weeks but its gotten alot worse and I'm waiting for a letter from the hospital to give me the OK to have my tonsils removed anyway enough of me lets get into this
Also i changed my mind Mikey's only scared of hanma when he hurts or shouts at him

Warning contains:NSFW,bad spelling and swearing

*time skip a week after the meeting*

Hanma:hey mikey wake up(nugdes mikey to wake him up)

Mikey:(groans)5 more minutes

Hanma:alright you asked for this(smirks)


Hanma:(stands up and tips the mattress)

Mikey:owwww,what was that for

Hanma:you wouldnt get up any other way so i did what i knew would wake you up

Mikey:(grumbles)stupid boy

Hanma:(hears him)what was that mikey

Mikey:i said your a stupid boy

Hanma:oh really now


*hanma pins mikey to the wall*

Hanma:so who's the stupid boy now?(smirks)

Mikey:still you,now let me go so i can get dressed

Hanma:fine but you have to kiss me first(thinks)heh he won't do it


Hanma:heh i- wait what?

Mikey:i said yes

Hanma:ok..(thinking)what is he planning is he trying to get me to put my guard down so he can esc-

*but before hanma can continue his thoughts are interupted by mikeys soft lips hiting his and kissing him with passion*

Hanma:(thinking)w-what is this feeling?why do i feel like this? he starting to like me back?

*Mikey's POV*

Mikey:as Hanmah was confused on my answer i took this chance to kiss him he seemed to be shocked with what was happening ofcourse i don't like hanmah its not like i can escape him so might as well get used to it

*Out of Mikey's POV*

Hanmah:(thinking)like hell im going to let mikey top me

*after Hanmah thought that he took control and forcefully kissed mikey*

Mikey:mhhhh mhh(thinking)as hanma kisses me i can feel pasion,love and most of all lust in this kiss and im somewhat excited about it and somewhat scared of it

Hanma:*slightly bites mikeys lower lip asking for entry*

Mikey:*opens his mouth abit*

Hanma:*takes this chance to map out every part of Mikey's mouth swirlling his toungue around mikeys mouth*


*mikey is shocked that he moaned*


*hanma pulls out of the kiss leaving a strand of saliva from mikey and him*

Mikey:(thinking)why did he stop *notices Hanmah smirking*

Hanma:*pushes mikey on the bed*

Mikey:ha-hanmah what are you doing...

*hanmah doesnt answer mikey instead he looks at Mikey's necks and starts to give him hickeys*

Mikey:a-ahhhh ahh

*all mikey can feel is han as hot breathe on his sweaty skin*

Hanma:(whispers in mikeys ear)youve been a bad boy mikey so you need a punishment~


*mikey sqeeked from shock as he felt long cold fingers run against his pale skin*

Hanma:heh you like this mikey

*hanmas hands was feeling all over Mikey's small body and started to play with Mikey's nipples*


*after awhile of Hanmah playing with Mikey's nipples he was getting bored and had an idea*

Hanma:open up Mikey

Mikey:(opened his mouth)

Hanma:(put his fingers in his mouth)get them real wet mikey unless you wanna feel real pain

*mikey understanding what hanma ment did what he said licking hanmas fingers to get them real wet*

Hanma:goodboy mikey~

*when Hanmah got the lube ready And put it in(i don't feel like explaining that)

Hanmah:(puts his boy in mikey and starts to go slow and then starts to thrust real hard)

Mikey:ah ahh f-faster ha-hanma

Hanma:say my name

Mikey:ahh ha ah h-hanma ahh ahhhhh

Hanma:that's not my name*starts to go harder*

Mikey:ahh fa-faster ahhh d-daddy ahh

*after that they cleaned up and decided to go to sleep since mikey and hanma was tired from fucking for 15 hours*

Hanma:*kisses mikeys forehead*(whispers)love you mikey,do you love me too?

Mikey:*lying on hanmas chest*(too tired to answer properly)mhm...

Hanma:(sighs)goodnight mikey

*they both fall asleep*

Wow i didn't even think it would be this long its 724 words(also pour Mikey)

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