the kidnapping

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Somewhere with a Valhalla member

*overhears someone say*yeah if Valhalla beats toman they'll be the strongest gang*thinking*i gotta tell this to the boss*runs away*

Hanma*talking*god this is so boring we haven't had a fight in forever rindou i know hanma you keep say-
Han ma*angry*WHAT! U-umm i overheard someone saying if we fight and win against toman then will be the strongest gang

Hanma*smirks*hmmm go tell the leader of toman that to meet us at 9 for a fight
Y-yes boss*runs off*

With toman

Draken*is walking from a cafe with a sleeping Mikey on his back* hey you! Ugh what?*turns around to see someone with a Valhalla uniform on* u-umm m-my boss wanted to say to meet us at the Valhalla base for a gang fight*is terrified*

Draken*shouting* what no *mikey wakes up from draken shouting*so hanma wants to fight so be it are you sure mikey? Ofcourse i am ken-chin OK OK*seriously again*NOW SCRAM! Yes sir*runs away*

Valhalla member*gasp* boss they*gasp*agreed*gasp*to*gasp*it *smirked*good ill see you there m i k e y

With mikey and draken

Mikey*gasp* what's wrong mikey? I feel like someone just mentioned me... Don't be weird maybe your just cold your right ken-chin*smiles* awwww🥺 who said that? Oh sorry mikey-kun,draken-kun oh takemichi its just you yep*smiles*

Takemichi so what where you talking about? Oh some Valhalla member showed up saying there boss challenged us to a fight*takemichi stopped in his trail and looked concerned* what's wrong takemichi? You do know hanma is the leader of Valhalla right?*Mikey's skin crawlled at that name* n-no it doesn't matter tho will still win yeah course we will

When mikey and draken got to there apartment

Mikey ken-chin i have a bad feeling about tomorrow same but lets just go to sleep for now we can worry about it tomorrow your right night ken-chin love you love you too*looked at mikey to see he was already asleep*sigh* don't worry mikey ill always protect you*kisses Mikey's forehead and goes to sleep*

In the morning

Baji wake up sleepyheads*smiles* ahhhhh*falls out bed*ouch mikey you ok? Im ok ken-chin and how did you get into here ohhh i stole your spear key*shots*YOU WHAT!?! No time to repeat myself we have to get ready for the fight with Valhalla

Mikey oh right that... Don't worry mikey you'll be ok*smiles* woah did draken just smile*shocked* shut up bani yeah yeah anyway hurry up

With Valhalla

Hanma Ugh where are they? I don't know boss*said scared* wait what's that?*spuints eyes* finally they're hear

Mikey Hanma... Mikey nice to see you again*smirks* y-yeah anyway let's start already ooo~ someones in a rush yeah yeah whatever*kicks hanma* heh not so fast*grabs Mikey's ankle* h-huh! Ahhhh*screams in pain* oopsies*smirks* i guess you can't walk now MIKEY! ken-chin huh*confused* ohh hello draken hanma leave my boyfriend alone*angry* b-boyfriend...

After the fight

All of toman-mikey*knocked out* awww look at that Mikey's little gang lost*Valhalla laughs* stupid... Hmm what was that mikey? I said your stupid! Oh really now*crouches down*why don't you say that to my face *looks away* ah ah don't look away from me*violently grabs mickeys chin to make him look at him*l-let go... Nooo i don't think i will*smirks* now that im closer you really are cute

Rindou*comes from behind mikey and hits him in the head with a bat* come on guys we have a little pride with us *shouts*yes boss

All leave on they're moticicles leaving toman unconscious in the rain

Poor mikey what do you think will happen to him now.find out in chapter 2

why me? hanma x mikey(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now