Chapter 1

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Stiles walked around Mystic Falls His Pack was Already Settling into They're house's but Stiles Had some business to attend to He Walked into a Building and in front of him was two men and One woman Damon Salvatore Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert

"So boys let's get down to Business Now" Stiles said as He Said A Spell Under his Breath

"Wait what's going on here" Elena Asked Looking at Stiles he Smirked and His Eyes Started glowing red

"Well Elena this Is Mieczyslaw Stiles Mikaelson son Of Klaus Mikaelson and Original Alpha" Stefan Said

"So you remember thought you wouldn't after all it was What 60 Years Ago" Stiles said

"Like anyone can forget you" Damon Said

"Yes and The Last time I was Here I remember Very Well that I almost Killed every Vampire" Stiles said

"That was when you were obsessed with hunting down your Family's Sires and killing them" Damon said

"Mate i racked up thousands of kills" Stiles said in his British accent

"You slaughtered them one by one until half of each sireline was left" Stefan said

"Well I've come back to mystic falls to find my Father Niklaus" Stiles said

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Stiles walked away he walked into another building and saw his uncle kol his eyes glowed purple and he appeared right in front of the Man slamming him against the wall

Elijah grabbed stiles throwing him off the original stiles slid to a stop turning around staring at the men eyes glowing purple they both gulped knowing they would die if they didn't get him to stop

"We did not come here to fight Mieczyslaw we came for your help" Elijah said in his thick English accent

"What do you want from us" Stiles asked as his eyes flickered from purple to black and red

"Nogitsune is that you?" Elijah asked

"Not technically but he still resides in here" Stiles said pointing at his head his eyes finally settled and they were pure black with red irises

"Who are you" Elijah asked

"None of your concern all you need to know Is that I will protect this boy and so will the others that reside inside him" Stiles said

"We do not wish to harm him" Elijah said

Stiles eyes stopped glowing and he returned to normal glaring at his uncles

"What do you want then" Stiles asked

"We wish to show you your sister Stiles" Elijah said

"Why was I not informed that Niklaus impregnated someone" Stiles asked

"You've been gone a while Stiles we also found out that you have another aunt her name is Freya Turns out daliah had imprisoned her" Elijah said Stiles didn't know what to feel his eyes glowed bright red

"I'll kill that woman" Stiles said

"We already did many things Have happened since you left the hollow is back as well Stiles" Elijah said Stiles eyes went pure black

"Where is she" Stiles asked

"She resides inside your sister Stiles" Kol said and with that Stiles disappeared

"Well that bitch is dead" Kol said Elijah nodded agreeing

"We should still follow him" Elijah said and they both sped off

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Stiles appeared in the compound in New Orleans and he was immediately surrounded by vampires and a witch he didn't recognize he looked at her and smelled the air

"You have the scent of a Mikaelson Witch I'm guessing your Freya" Stiles said

Freyas eyes went wide when she saw the boy with pitch black eyes she tried snapping his neck but her magic wouldn't work on him

"Perks of being a Demon chimera of so many different species is that I'm basically immune to Magic" Stiles said

"Who are you" Freya asked as the vampires closed in on him

Stiles snapped and the vampires all fell down with they're necks snapped

"Son" Niklaus said coming down the stairs he looked like he saw a ghost when he looked at Stiles

"Wait son?" Freya asked

Klaus sped to Stiles bringing him into a hug Stiles hugged back he would be lying if he said he didn't miss his father for 500 Years

"How was he not taken by daliah when he was born if he is the true first born of yours Niklaus" Freya asked

"He was too powerful for her to take nature made sure he wasn't taken he was with our family for 500 years until he left we haven't seen him for 500 years since he left but he slowly killed half of each of our sirelines" Klaus said

"How did you know that was me" Stiles asked surprised he figured it out

"Only my son could do what you did to all of them Stiles" Klaus said

"I can help my sister" Stiles said

"What are you gonna do to hope" Klaus asked

"I'm gonna take the hollow out of her and seal it in hell" Stiles said

"Follow me ill show you to her" Klaus said walking away Stiles followed

They walked into a room and Stiles saw hope he walked up to her sitting his hand on her shoulder a black Aura enveloped his hand and his eyes turned Pitch black

"It's your time to finally move on" Stiles said removing the hollow from hope it floated in the air stuck in place a hole appeared and flaming hands grabbed onto the soul dragging it to hell she screamed until the hole closed and she was finally gone

Stiles turned back to normal looking at his little sister she looked up at him smiling

"Your okay now little one" Stiles said smiling at her

"Thank you My son we had feared the worse would happen we couldn't find a way to seal her away" Klaus said

"She might have been old but my power is more than even she can handle" Stiles said Stiles turned around looking at his father his eyes glowed purple

"What happened to you Stiles" Klaus asked

"I died Father I went to hell for a little bit and my soul was turned demonic I'm now the Demon Chimera" Stiles said

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you stiles" Klaus asked

"It's fine I'll be sticking around here for a while father so I'll see you around" Stiles said and he disappeared in a puff of smoke

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