Chapter 7

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It had been a few days since being at triad Stiles and Hope stood in alarics office wanting to talk about what happened they had both been at his house for the last few days

"Where's alaric" Stiles asked

"I have no idea" Hope said Stiles focused hearing panting coming from Emma's room

"Wait do you hear that" Stiles asked hope focused as well and heard it she was confused until they heard screaming

Stiles sped off knocking students over as he ran he made it to Emma's door he opened the door and saw Raf sitting in a chair screaming he ran up to the man hands glowing gold he put them onto the cursed wolf's head and he calmed down Stiles took his hands off feeling dizzy he accidentally accessed rafs memories and saw why he was screaming

"Why did you all do that Raf" Stiles asked Raf looked confused at the question but then remembered who was standing in front of him

"Because MG wanted to see his parents again now I don't even know if Landons alive" Raf said

"Well I'm here to help now Raf I'll help you get your memories back we need to find MG and Landon even if I don't like the boy I don't wish death apon him" Stiles said as hope came through the door

"Stiles what happened" Hope asked

"Your stupid little boyfriend MG and Rafael here left the school and now Landon and MG are missing and Raf can't remember what happened because he shifted and blocked out the memories now I have to unlock his memories forcefully so sit there and watch this may take a little bit" Stiles said

Stiles eyes Became fully golden one of his hands glowed golden as one sat on Rafs shoulder he brought the other one up to Rafs head once it made contact he gasped his head turning fully up looking into the air Black veins traveled up his other arm taking away the pain and strife Raf was feeling his the cursed wolf's eyes Became dull Alaric walked into the room looking at the three of them Kaleb standing beside him

"Yo why is your brother doing that to Raf we've already tried to find out what happened and couldn't find anything" Kaleb said

"Well we didn't try everything Kaleb Stiles has many abilities he's the king of cursed wolves he should be able to find out what happened" Alaric said

"Alright I'll trust it I just wanna find MG he shouldn't be all alone out there" Kaleb said sitting down in a chair and watching

"So where did you all go once you all disappeared the other day" Alaric asked

"We went to triad where have you all been" Hope asked

"Wait triad as in where malivore is and we've been busy dealing with the latest monster it was a mummy it was on main Street but we found a way to defeat it then this morning we found Raf laying outside of the gate" Alaric said

"Yes and we have a tiny piece of malivore we wanted to talk to you about it but then we heard Raf in here screaming" Hope said

"So how long will this take" Kaleb asked getting inpatient

"All we can do is wait Kaleb" Hope said

Time skip a few hours

Hope still sat in the room watching Stiles and Raf Emma and Cora had joined them everyone else was still there waiting but alaric and kaleb had left to try and find mg they got a location from Stiles murming They just watched that was before Stiles gasped again pulling his hands off the cursed wolf he looked around seeing everyone Raf gasped back to consciousness the light in his eyes returned but he looked terrified Stiles fell back exhausted he was panting pretty hard

Cora ran up to her mate Sitting him up he laid against her Catching his breath he looked up at her smiling but then he got serious

"We need to hurry I fear That landon isn't okay" Stiles said Hope looked at him wide eyed when she heard that

"What did you see" Hope asked sounding desperate Stiles stood up Cora helping him He looked at Hope

"They made a mistake Taking the vampire to his old home what I saw was Landon helping Raf get chained up then they started arguing about you then Raf started to shift then they saw a shadow running through the forest and Raf told Landon to run they thought they saw a monster but it was MG he started fighting Landon MG got blood on his hand and he got thirsty, he drained Landon of all his blood then Raf shifted and bit him" Stiles said he immediately grabbed Hope and Raf and disappeared

Line break

Hope Stiles and Raf appeared in front of MG Alaric and Kaleb Hope broke down as soon as she got there but she composed herself giving MG some of her blood after she immediately turned around walking up to beside where Landon laid dead she immediately broke down into tears

Raf held his best friend in his arms looking into his cold dead eyes alaric walked over cursing at seeing the body he turned around seeing MG and Kaleb walk up

Raf got up looking at MG with Hate he was about to attack the vampire until Hope stopped him and told him Landon wouldn't want this he wants Raf to be better and she hugged the man MG walked up looking at Landons body he saw smoke start coming off of it

"Yo am I still trippen or are yall seeing this" MG Said

They all looked over surprised Except for Stiles he had seen this before Suddenly Landons body burst into flames Hope tried to extinguish the flames but they wouldn't go out they all watched as landons body burned until there was nothing but a pile of ash in his shape when it was done Raf looked confused Hope tried to step forward but a hand stopped her she looked and it was Stiles

"Not yet trust the process Hope" Stiles said

"Do you know what's happening" Hope asked confused looking back at landons body

"Well we've been wondering if the man is supernatural right here's your answer to that Hope people don't just spontaneously combust once they die" Stiles said looking at the boy

"What?" Hope asked confused until they both saw the ash cracking Hope put her hands over her mouth not believing what she was seeing hand burst out and slowly so did the rest of the body and then Landon stood up looking perfectly fine but covered in ash

"Whats going on" Landon asked looking confused the rest of them looked equally confused except for Alaric and Stiles

"You ever heard of the legend of the Phoenix Landon" Stiles asked speeding up to the man and patting him on the back

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