Chapter 4

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Stiles walked out of his bathroom he had just woken up and showered and changed he was wearing black pants a grey shirt and a black leather jacket and his regular shoes

He walked out of his room and downstairs his pack was ready to go to the Salvatore School

Stiles eyes glowed red and a portal appeared they walked through and it closed behind them they were in front of the Salvatore School

Stiles eyes stayed glowing red the doors shot open as he walked up to them all the students in the halls looked at him knowing who he was his entire packs eyes were glowing red as they walked through the school they eventually made it to the Headmasters office doors they slung open and Alaric jumped up looking at them all they're eyes still glowing Red

"Welcome Stiles" Alaric said gulping because the immortal was currently glaring at him

Stiles appeared in front of the man's desk his eyes changed from glowing red to being pitch black with glowing red irises

"The next time you don't inform us about a threat like this I will Punish you you get off free this time feel lucky" Stiles said his Devil wings came out scaring the hunter

"It won't happen again I promise But now that your here we would like your help in defeating a night hag we've already evacuated the school only a few people are here" Alaric said

"There's no night hag here I would know if there is I feel a much more demonic presence here" Stiles said Alarics eyes went wide

Stiles eyes seachered the room through his Demonic Eyes He could see traces of a dark presence lurking black flames lit in his hand

"Something is lurking in the DreamWorld" Stiles said

"What is it" Cora asked Stiles eyes stopped glowing and his wings retracted into his Back

"From What I can tell it's a dream Demon called the Oneiroi It's a black-winged shapeshifting dream demon from Greek mythology The way we kill it is we Freddy Kruger it" Stiles said

"So we have to go to sleep then grab it in the dreamworld and pull it out with us" Cora said

"Yes exactly that my love" Stiles said Hope walked in

"So we wait until tonight" Hope said Stiles turned around looking at his sister

"Why are you Here Hope it's dangerous" Stiles asked

"Come on bro I'm strong enough to handle myself you are the one that trained me" Hope said

"Yes I know that sister but now that me and my pack are here the Oneiroi won't be that hard to handle" Stiles said

"No matter what you say I'm staying Stiles I want to help" Hope said

Stiles eyes Glowed Red her Glowed Gold in response He let his presence out forcing his entire packs eyes to glow Red And be forced to a knee except Cora Hope stood her eyes Glowing golden the pressure Cracked the wood below both of them But hope stood strong Which made Stiles Smile he lifted his presence and his pack stood up

"Fine you May Stay just don't get hurt" Stiles said

Line break

Stiles Stood in a room with His Pack and the people that stayed at the Salvatore School they laid on the ground asleep hope Stood beside him when his pack and the people were asleep Stiles turned around leaving the room Hope followed him into the hallway

Stiles eyes glowed Red his bones Broke and started reforming until he was transformed into a 7 foot Black Panther with Ancient Symbols across his back he looked back at Hope nodding at her then he took off through the halls

Stiles ran through the halls sniffing around he made it to the headmasters office and saw Alaric asleep he walked away

Stiles kept watch of the halls until he smelt the Oneiroi he ran to it seeing Hope fight it he Roared making them both look at him his eyes glowed dark red as his bones Broke and reformed until he was human again Clothes appeared on him

Stiles looked at the Oneiroi his eyes changed to be pitch black with glowing red Irises he chanted a spell sending Hope away and he attacked the Oneiroi

Stiles grabbed the Dream demon by its head slamming it into the wall he wrapped his arms around its neck bringing it down slamming onto the ground he lifted it up by its neck throwing it through the halls and slamming through a door Stiles appeared in front of it grabbing it by its leg he spun around sending it flying through the roof he jumped up and kicked the thing back down slamming through the roof and making a crater where it landed his pack stood around it Eyes glowing and claws bared Stiles landed on the Oneiroi's Stomach making it Grunt in pain

Stiles backfliped landing in the middle of his pack he looked at the dream demon his hand lit on fire with Black flames he held his palm facing it towards him black flames shot out of his hand incinerating the dream demon it died Screaming in pain once it was done Stiles closed his hand and his eyes went back to normal he turned around and saw hope Staring at him a small bit scared at how brutal he was

"Why so brutal?" Landon asked standing beside hope Stiles looked at him and the Boy gulped

"That's how We get things done At the end of the day we're just trying to keep this world safe Sometimes that takes being Brutal" Stiles said He chanted a spell and the Doors walls and roof he had broke were fixed

"What now" Hope asked

"We continue to Protect the relic the Students should be able to return now since  we are here we should be able to protect them and the relic but for now we sleep were all exhausted" Stiles Said he walked out of the room his pack following

Stiles eyes glowed red and a portal appeared they walked through it appearing In Stiles house they all went to theyre rooms and fell asleep not knowing what tomorrow brings

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