The dream

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Author note: I was listening to this song which gave me some inspiration for the chapter. Lol it's low-key a bop.

Toshinori's POV

I had asked Aizawa to spend the night again. As things are right now, I don't see it as unreasonable. Plus, the entire time he was gone I had that reoccurring nightmare.

People told me if you remember your dreams then it isn't a dream, it's a sign. That terrifies me even more considering the horrific events that takes place every night inside my head.

"Well, I don't see why not?" Aizawa sighs taking a seat on the couch. Wow, this man is truly amazing at everything he does. He seems to always amaze me, and never leaves me empty handed.

Even his moody personality amazes me, it keeps things interesting. I shine a huge smile at his words. This may seem rude, but I'm more excited that these nightmares will go away.

It seems holding him is the only way to get closure, and actually get a good night's rest. "My students say you radiate sunflower and golden retriever boy energy. Whatever that means, I somehow agree." He randomly blurts out which causes me to chuckle.

"Aw is Aizawa actually growing soft?" I tease as he rolls his eyes. "Trust me I know all about that. You have to remember midoriya and I talk frequently." I let out a sigh.

The students practically see me as a big softy, and even what the young people call a simp. Which isn't entirely false, I would definitely simp for Aizawa.

"We have class tomorrow Toshi do you wanna get some sleep?" He asks with a slight smile. My heart practically skips a beat as I hear this.

God, he's so cute calling me that. I can feel my cheeks burning so I clear my throat trying to distract from the redness.

"Your terrible at hiding your emotions, but come on you big lug." He grabs my hand, and starts walking toward my room.

Finally, a night of peaceful sleep, what I've been praying for. I grab some pajamas, and change into them in the bathroom. It's just a pair of joggers, and white tank top.

I walk in to see Aizawa in one of my large t-shirts for when I'm in my large form. My eyes wonder down seeing the shirt go down to his knees.

Out of instinct I walk over to the man, and pull him close to my chest. "You love to torture me don't you?" I smile while running my fingers through his hair.

"Just remember" He starts while pushing me over onto the bed "I'm in control." He smiles climbing beside me. My face turns a shade of pink as I quickly nod my head.

He's so daring, yet graceful. I've never had someone to bend me to their will, but when it comes to him I melt like butter. Normally I'm in control, or at least the one calling the shots.

I'm not complaining at all, it's just an indescribable feeling. Finally, someone who can fluster me, and make me feel young again.

"Can I hold you?" I ask shyly as he rolls over on his side. "Of course sunflower boy." He let's out a small chuckle as I wrap my arms completely around him.

Perfect, no more nightmares tonight.

The dream

The fire is still burning, and the screams still pierce my ears. Why is this happening? I thought everything would be fixed while he was here. Again, the funeral is being placed, and Aizawas head is hung low. Please don't say those words to me. I can't bear to hear them while he's lying next to me.

"It's okay All Might you did your best. You cant save them all, that would be unrealistic. You saved as many as you could, and that's all we could ask for. Don't blame yourself for this it will only eat you alive."

My eyes open in shock. The nightmare had changed. Instead of being ridiculed by the black haired man I was comforted. Even his hand on my shoulder felt real.

Tears start to fall not from sadness, but understanding. Even through hell and back all I've ever needed was for someone to be there for me.

To not get the backlash that I've come to expect. I've carried the weight of the world on my shoulders for to long because that was expected of me. Until now, but now I have someone to make the pressure go away.

"All Might.... All Might... Toshinori." I hear his voice calling, but everything turns to darkness. I wish I could find him.

"Toshi you need to wake up."


My eyes blink open as I bolt up in the bed. What's going on? Oh shit, I forgot Aizawa was here. He's also sitting up in the bed glaring at me.

"Oh... oh I'm sorry about that." I say nervously hoping he isn't to angry. I know how much he loves his sleep.

"We can go back to bed..." I start to lay back down, but he isn't having it. "What's going? I know you toss around in your sleep, but never have you cried." He states still glaring at me.

My hands rise to my face, and the dampness of my cheeks proves that I've been crying in my sleep. How would I even explain that to him?

"Just come here..." I mutter pulling him down on top of me. All I want right now is to hold him. "I will tell in time okay? Just not right now..." I mutter as he let's out a long sigh.

"Fine, but I'm holding you to that." He mutters as we lay in silence. I take my fingers and run them gently through his hair.

I can't believe I actually got him in my arms, and I never plan on letting go. I'm not sure what I did to deserve this, but I'm grateful.

His breathing starts to slow, and I know he's finally back to sleep. "Goodnight..." I whisper gently kissing the top of his head.

Within minutes I could feel myself dozing off again, and this time the rest of the night was peaceful.

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