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Aizawa's POV

I don't know exactly why I decided to stay. Whether it be the smile on his face, the look in his eyes, or maybe just the thought of not being alone. Either way I made my choice, and I'm hoping I don't regret it. I sit on the bed beside him waiting for the silent air to be filled. His hand slightly touches mine making me jump a bit, but I don't move it. Might as well let him do this since this will be the final night. All I have to do is last till the morning, and then things will go back to how they should be. "Sorry, I should have asked before doing that. Even if this is all that happens I'm happy about it." He smiles closing his eyes. "Don't catch more feelings then you already have. This is a one night thing, plus I don't want it interfering with work. Those kids need the both of us there for them." I say finally holding his hand back. It may not seem like it at times, but I actually care about my students. They need all the support they can get, especially from their favorite hero. "I think I finally found your soft spot." He chuckles rolling on his side. Looking down at him I try not to smile. He looks so relax like this, like there isn't a care in the world. "And what might that be?" I ask raising an eyebrow? I'm interested in what he has to say. "You always put kids first. Whether that be the students, someone your saving, or just a kid on the street. I've seen it a couple times actually. You act like your heartless or don't care, but the truth is somewhere in there you do have a heart." He explains. I can feel my heart skip a beat as he says the end. Come on Aizawa get ahold of yourself, caring only gets you hurt. "Huh, so that's what you think? I only like to meet expectations, and that's all." I mutter looking away from him. I hear his light chuckle, and instantly melt. "So, just curious.. what is it that you like about me? I mean now it's obvious how you feel." I say now looking back to him. Honestly he could probably have anyone that he wanted, but I'm the one that he asked to stay. What makes me so special? I never pictured myself to be special. Just a grumpy man that holds high expectations. "You are by far one of the most different people I have met. Constantly keeping me on my toes, and just when I think I have you figured out, you pull out something new. Even though your looks are quite stunning, I think what I like most is your character. Most people see you as a heartless person, but not me. You like this worn down body even though others call it disgusting. You like me for who I actually am, and I don't even like the real me." He sighs glancing down at his scar. I know that hurts him a lot, and not even physical pain. He is suppose to be the symbol of peace, the number one hero. All he sees is a broken man hanging onto a dream that is slowly being taken away from him. Everything he loves is being taken from him, and his normal state is a reminder of that. "You have an interesting way of seeing things, I like that." I smile trying to make him feel better. I feel bad for being so awkward, but I'm not use to actually talking to someone. "Aizawa.. you don't have to stay if you don't want too. I've realized how selfish this is, and-" I cut him off before he can finish. Of course I don't want to leave, if I'm being honest with myself I like being beside him. "Listen.. this is our last night, and then we go back to how things were. We don't speak, we don't make eye contact, and definitely don't do what we are doing now. Just let this moment happen okay? I don't think either of us want to be alone right now, so just relax." I reassure him finally fully laying down beside him. It's pretty late now, and even though I'm used to being out all night he isn't. I can tell he is just staying up because I am. "I think you should get some rest.. I'll let you hold me again tonight okay?" I say cuddling next to him. His arms wrap around my body pulling me closer to him. "I was hoping you would say that.." he puts his face into my hair, and starts breathing slowly. "Goodnight Aizawa.." he whispers. His heart beat feels like it's going a million miles per hour right now. "Goodnight Toshinori.." I whisper back wishing this moment would never end. If time stopped right now I would be perfectly fine with that. Something about him completed me, makes me feel like I have finally found the missing piece. Of course I will never let him know that. We drift off into a peaceful sleep, and nothing could be better..

I wake up in the middle of the night to find him rolling over and over. "S-stop! Take me.." I hear him whimper. It's as though he is trying his hardest to get somewhere. His arm reaches to the sky, and attempts to grab something in the air. Is he having some sort of nightmare? "Please.. I'm the one you want.." he cries again. Now his legs are starting to kick, and I can see sweat start to form on his forehead. What in the world is he dreaming about? "Anything! I can't live without him!" Tears seem to fall from his eyes as he begs this invisible person. Can't live without him? Suddenly everything starts to get worse, and cries of pain start to echo in the empty air. "Toshinori? Toshinori wake up!" I shake him trying to get him awake. The cries of pain continue as he clutches his stomach. "Toshinori!" I try again to get him up. The cries of pain slowly stop, but the dream continues. "All for you.." he mumbles. The pain in his voice is heartbreaking. I've never heard him in so much pain in my life. "T-Toshi.." I gently pet his head hoping that this horrid dream would stop. "I couldn't save him.. what kind of hero am I?" His pain quickly turns to anger. I attempt to shake him one last time, and this time he quickly jumps into the air. Finally awake he buries his face in his pillow, and refuses to show it to me. "Shh it's okay.. it's only a dream.." I whisper rubbing his back. I wrap my arms around him, pull myself to him. "Listen.. I'm here.. you're okay." I keep trying to calm him down. What in the hell did he see? His face rises, and tears are still coming down his cheeks. Shocked I stare into his bright blue eyes. I don't think I've ever seen him cry before. "come here.." I push his face into my chest as I continue to comfort him. Whatever he saw must have been gruesome. "it's okay.. it was just a dream.. it can't possibly happen.." he tells himself taking a deep breath. "you're still here.." he wipes the tears from his face. "Sorry for waking you up.. I have this dream often actually. Usually I just have to let it pass." He explains finally gaining control over his emotions. So, he does this often? That can't be very healthy for him. "Listen.. I don't know what you seen, but none of that is real. You are here, with me, in your dorm room. You're okay.. I got you now." I say again as he nods. Pulling him into me I pet his head some more. All I can do is be here for him, and try to comfort him. "it's awful.. I hate these dreams. Each time it is the same dream, but a different person. It attacks all the people I care about, and there is nothing I can do to stop it." He whispers. I wish I could take his pain somehow. I hate seeing him like this, scared, heartbroken, and vulnerable. "Lay back down.. it's okay now, I'm not going anywhere." I whisper as we relax back down into the pillows. His embrace is warm, and full of love. "T-thank you.." he whispers as his grip tightens around me. "..anything..." I whisper back. I hold him till he finally goes back to sleep, and finally drift off myself.

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