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Aizawas POV
I walk out into the city where the rest of the students are. I usually don't do anything with them, but might as well do something with my life. Most people find it a mystery that I'm so fit yet I stay in a sleeping bag all day. What they don't know is that after school hours I actually live alone doing nothing with my life so I like to train. Why do anything else? I have to be prepared for any villain I encounter. Joining the students I clear my throat, and everyone turns around to listen. "Okay, I am pairing you up as equal as I can make it so please bear with me. Bakugou and Kirishima, Todoroki and Kaminari, Midoriya and Sero, Momo and mina." the list continues on till everyone has a partner. "Now that we have our partners lets discuss the rules. You can set as many traps as you can and want. You also can trap each other. So, if Bakugou sets a trap and Todoroki steps in it, Todoroki is out. Anyone who gets trapped is out. So if Sero gets trapped, Deku is still in the game, just without a partner. Now, the only way you get the reward is if you capture me. If I capture all of you, the none of you get the reward. Are we clear on this?" I explain as everyone pays close attention with confident faces, well mostly confident. "Let the games begin in 3 minutes. It gives you enough time to pick a designated area, and to set at least one trap." I yell before jumping up into the air. My wraps come out, and I swing myself onto a high building. Jumping from roof top to roof top I make my way through the fake city without setting any of my traps. This is technique,it them use their own traps against each other. After a few rooftops I land on a light pole, and watch as the students run by without noticing me at all. "I want to get that little Deku first!" I here someone yell from across the street. Kirishima holds Bakugou back as Deku runs along the end of the street with Sero. Honestly, if anyone can calm Bakugou down, its Kirishima. "Listen, getting him trapped does nothing we need to find teach and take him down." Kirishima shows him a toothy grin which no one could resist. "Pft, fine." he spits running to an ally way. I smirk as I continue to hide stealthy watching as each student passes the light pole, all except one. "Aizawa I can clearly see you, you are in plain sight. It would be a shame if I just froze the pole." Todoroki calls up, as Kaminari jumps. I guess he didn't expect to see me up here. "Try me." I laugh staring straight into his eyes. No matter what he can't use his ice powers now anyone. My quirk erases others quirks until I blink. Which I have mastered, and made special goggles for. Of course he knows this, and growls. "We have to sneak on him somehow." I hear him whisper as he goes on. I move through out the city, and find myself in a small tree. "Could he be hiding behind this bush?" an innocent voice calls out. I hate to do this to her, but a trap is so obviously set right there for a reason. Slowly she steps right into it, and gets captured inside a net. "Mina! It was obvious that was a trap!" Momo yells, I can't help bit to laugh. How could you not see the string placed directly in plain view. Momo shakes her head, and continues without her partner. After leaving, and no one else coming along I let Mina loose, and and her to where All Might is. Better not leave her here stranded all day who knows what might happen. I walk on foot for a while, and encounter Deku and Sero. "You ready for this?" I hear Sero whisper before shooting his tape around me. Of course I can easily dodge, or deflect with my own wrappings. These make it easier for me to grab hold of things, or smack things away. While doing this with Sero I easily stare Deku in the eyes, and take away his quirk. Leacinghis little flick stunt useless. Looking up, he gives a coward smile, and attempts to run leading himself into a trap. Sero following behind him trapped as well. "Great going Deku I thought we had a plan." he starts to say, but shuts up. I hate students that make up excuses. Just take your own actions into your own responsibility. I let them loose, and send them to All Might. The only groups I am concerned about is Bakugou and Kirishima, and Todoroki with Kaminari. You have two dominate teams that I hope will continue through out their hero lives. Of course Midoryia is strong too, he just doesn't know how to control his quirk yet. After a few more students getting trapped I decide its time to actually have some fun. I stand in the center of the city, and scream for the rest of the students to hear. I know either Bakugou or Todoroki will go for a sneak attack, maybe even Kaminari. Kirishima will go head on, but is immune to most attacks. Well he absorbs physical attacks, but that can all change with a single stare. "You son of a bitch you're supposed to be my partner!" Bakugou yells. I see a hand fly up, and hit him in the dome. "Shut up Bakugou we are supposed to be sneaking. Plus, this may be our only chance to get him." I hear someone whisper, I can't tell which one it is though. I sit Indian style in the middle of a junction, and prepare myself for this so called "sneak attack". As expected Kirishima comes at me full force from the right as I jump up, wraps spread out, hair pointing to the sky, and throw on my goggles. Making it to where neither one of them know where I'm looking. I know Kirishima is just a first decoy for the other three. So I scope out the rest of the area for the others. Spotting Todoroki next I stare into his eyes, and pray that Bakugou isn't waiting for me as I flip around. To my luck he isn't, but Kirishima awaits as I start to land. I do a quick back flip away from him, and prepare to do hand to hand combat. Of course not at full force, that would kill the kid. Just enough to show how good he is, and how much he needs to improve. He hardens his body, and lunges at me with a full punch. I easily dodge it, and hit him with my own doing nothing to him. I think however I may have broke my hand. I shake it feverishly, but show no sign of injury. Dang, he wasn't kidding when he said he can hardly feel a thing. I look around for the rest, and Kaminari starts coming from the left already charged up with electricity. This, may be difficult, I blink to give Todoroki his quirk back, but stare right at Kaminari. Grabbing himby my wraps, and throwing him into a trap. There's no possible way I can handle getting shocked right now, especially now that my hand is swelling. Heroes are used to this sort of pain, we deal with this on a regular basis. "Yo teach, you good?" Bakugou steps out from behind a bush with a devilish smile. He isn't worried about me, he sees a weak point, something to go by to help him win. I smirk myself, but instantly become intrigued. Since was Bakugou wearing sunglasses? Not just any sunglasses, dark black sunglasses to hide his eyes. "Very smart Bakugou, take my only advantage away from me. You're forgetting one thing, I'm much quicker then you are." I smear as his devilish grin slides to an angry snarl. The boy can snap so quickly, I must admit his personality is unique. He feeds of his own self confidence to boost himself to be better. Saying things negatively about him only feeds the fire. "Is that word, or is that facts!?" he yells running towards me. I've studied all of my students so I know what comes next. A jump, a kick, and then a hard swing with a punch in the face. He always uses that against Midoryia I have no idea why he never learns. I dodge all of his moves, and throw him to the ground while he is in mid air. Instantly jumping up, he reaches for the canon on his arm, and pulls. No holding back, just straight pulls the pin. As I stand smirking the boy growls, and pulls at his other canon, nothing. "WHY THE HELL ARE THESE THINGS NOT WORKING!" he yells pulling at them more. Laughing I stand in amazement as his gaze lands to me. I point at my eyes, and his grows very dark. When I had thrown him to the ground I also knocked his sunglasses off. "You know what teach, those were some nice moves you had, but not as nice as my distraction." his lips curve into a grin the pulls up both of us cheeks. I have never seen him give this genuine a smile. I try to jump, but my feet refuse to move. I twist my body to look behind me, and surely enough a half froze Todoroki stands behind me. Shit, I forgot all about him. He his for so long I forgot he was even here. Also, what happened to Kirishima? I look over, and here he is hanging on one of the traps he had put down himself. "Sorry guys I forgot I put this here, and fell in my own trap." he gives that huge toothy smile again, and its as though the mood from all of us changed. "Game, set, match." Todoroki says coming up to me. "So, are we the winners?" Bakugou says putting an arm on my shoulder. If I hadn't had so much fun I probably be what the students would say "salty" but they wonfair and square. "You and Todoroki are the winners. I will give you over night to pick who you want to fight, but you must tell me first thing in the morning." I explain as Todoroki starts to unfreeze me. I let Kirishima and Kaminari out of the nets, and all five of us walk to the camera room. "That was so cool how you four worked together, and Bakugou that was so smart to get sunglasses!" I hear little Tsuyu say in her little croaky voice. Sometimes I feel bad for the poor girl, why did she have to be given a frog quirk? That's just down right plain awful. I look down at my hand that is so swelled it has no recognition of a hand, and decide to leave it be. The pain isn't too bad, its bearable, and its not like I don't face worse then this. All I need is ice on it, and it should be fine. "Nice job out there Aizawa, I could tell you really enjoyed yourself out there." I deep cheerful voice calls to me as the students start to leave for lunch. Usually I have them first thing of the day unless Mic wants them first. "Yeah, they may be students, but they make you work too. They use different methods to work together to bring down their targets instead of one on one. Also, they're trying to find different ways to use their quirks so its more experimental" I say without looking at him. I don't like him, why am I even talking to him about this? "You know it wouldn't hurt to look up every now and then.." he starts to say, but never finishes his sentence. I guess he figured there was no point, which there isn't. "Will I ever know why you don't like me so much?" he asks taking a step toward me. I check the time, and in any moment his time should be ran out. "I told you why." is all I mutter before reaching for the door. The sound of a poof rings in my ears, and the low grumble of a mighty man is all I can hear. "God it seems to get worse everyday." I look back to see blood trickling down his face from where he had coughed it up. Silently I open the door, and walk out. What am I supposed to say to that? Sorry you don't have a stomach, but I still hate you? Of course not that would be contradicting myself. I hop in my sleeping bag, and roll to my dorm that is filled with nothing. No TV, no bed, no radio, nothing. All I have is a chair, a couch, a fridge, an alarm clock, and all the necessities that I need. I hardly ever have company over unless it's Mic, and no one but Mic talks tkt me anyway so I have no phone. If I want to talk to Mic, orif he wants to talk to me we do it in person. I lay lazily on my couch hanging my legs over one of the arms staring into my ceiling. Why do I exactly hate All Might? It definitely isn't the attention he gets, I'm antisocial so he can keep all the media to himself. I think I hate it how he can seem so happy all the time even though deep down he really isn't. He puts on this show for everyone to see, and it's like I'm the only one that sees right through it. I couldn't do that even if I tried. I hardly ever smile, and when I do it usually isn't the beat thing. My smile usually means sarcasm, or making students stress. Another reason to not like him, he judges a book by its cover. Did he ever once try to get to know me before he realized I didn't like him? Hes so worried about how others feel towards him he isn't worried about another persons feelings. He doesn't have to deal with loneliness, no friends, anxiety, nothing like that. Lives a care free life that got him to where he is now. So badly hurt he can hardly be a hero at all. I run my fingers through my hair as I listen to the afternoon traffic go by soothing my wild thoughts.

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