Chapter 5

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Lance was stretched across his bed, playing with a yo-yo when he heard a knock at the door. "Yeah?" he said, trying not to think too hard about who it could be.

"Lance, I, came to see you."

"Allura?" Lance practically fell out of his chair. He had not anticipated seeing her here.

"I just, I feel like this is all my fault," Allura admitted.

Lance sent her a confused look. "How?"

"Well, if I hadn't had trusted Lotor, we wouldn't have-"

"Nope! I've heard that enough times already," Lance said, interrupting her. "We all trusted Lotor, and he betrayed us all. This, it's not your fault."

A small moment of silence followed as Allura crept a little closer to Lance.

"Anything...else?" he said, still unsure why she was here.

"I just, wanted to thank you again, for all the times you've saved me."

Then, before Lance could even blink, Allura was right there, kissing him. He just stood there in stunned shock, unsure how to react.

"Uhhh, what was that?" Lance asked, once she finally pulled back.

"I, well, if things don't turn out, I just thought..."

"What?" Lance wasn't sure why, but this didn't feel right. Maybe it was everything that was happening. Maybe it wasn't something else entirely.

Lance had always thought he liked Allura, but that kiss wasn't anything like he thought it would be. Sure, she was amazing and all, but she wasn't...

"Is there...someone else?" Allura asked him, also confused with why he hadn't kissed her back.

Lance started to stammer, unsure what to say. Was there someone else?

"It's alright. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel...uncomfortable."

"Yeah, no, it's okay. Just, the timing, and..."

"I understand." Allura stood back up. "I still belive we will find a way to help you and Pidge."

"Yeah, hopefully." Allura left, and Lance was all alone. He fell face-first on his bed, trying to understand what had just happened.

Allura, the girl of his dreams had just kissed him, and he had told her no? It wasn't what he had expected. It wasn't what he wanted. But...what was it that he wanted?

"Because I Care About Her" A Plance Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now