Unfortunate Discoveries

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Please note that this fic is going off of the anime and does not include any of the manga. This includes some of my inferences on what could have happened with the information we got at the end of the anime.

   Gon. When it came to Gon, he was known for jumping straight into things without thinking of the consequences. So when his dad had told him about things 'beyond this world' he followed him, naturally. He had learned and seen so many things that he could have never even imagined of. Although, with these experiences came risks. The teen had stared death in the eyes too many times to count. If you thought the Chimera Ants were bad, that was just the tip of the iceberg of things he had now experienced. And yet, here he was again, back home. He was safe and unharmed (more like no longer harmed). However, he now had a companion with him. Naturally, his first thought was to call up his best friend and introduce them.

So that takes us to the present.

Gon was eagerly waiting by the dock and watching the ships pass by. His eyes scanned every single boat in sight as he awaited for the arrival of a certain assassin. It was then when they finally locked eyes.

"Killua!" Gon frantically waved both of his arms around in the air to signal where he was. "Gon!" Killua waved with a close eyed smile back at his friend. Gon followed the boat all the way until it docked, jumping around eagerly waiting for Killua. When it was Killua's turn to exit the ship he ran towards Gon and Gon did the same. When they met they gave each other a hard-ass high-five.

"Holy shit you've gotten strong. I'm going to need to start using ten to keep you from breaking my hand!" The assassin joked. The other let out a laugh before motioning Killua to follow him. "I have something amazing to show you!" He said, starting a conversation. "Really now? You better have something to show after barely contacting me for two years!" Killua scolded hitting the back of Gon's head. "Owww! Geez Killua, it's not like I can find time to look for service while I'm fighting for my life!" He rolled his eyes while rubbing the back of his head.

After some time, the two arrived at Gon's Aunt Mito's house. "Aunt Mito, I'm back!" He yelled out into the house, he was met with his aunt turning the corner, a smile gracing her lips. "Welcome back Gon, and welcome Killua. Lunch is on the table for when you guys get hungry," she said before walking away to continue doing laundry.

"Are you hungry? Or do you want to see my surprise first?" Gon asked, seemingly happy with either. Killua thought for a moment before coming to a decision, "yeah, food can wait, show me the reason you called me here," he said with a cat-like grin making its way to his face. Unfortunately for Killua, it may have been better to choose the food first.

The two ran upstairs before Killua felt a pair of hands cover his eyes. His first instinct was to break the wrists of the perpetrator, but Killua wasn't one to automatically run on instinct anymore. If Gon knew this, he'd probably thank Killua for sparing his wrists. "I'm covering your eyes because you can't look yet!" Gon said stubbornly. Killua just hummed in response. He heard shuffling around and the dragging of something until there was an abrupt stop along with a sound of triumphance.  "Okay... 3..2..1!" Gon removed his hands from Killua's eyes and said boy opened them. "TA DA~'' Gon cheered, but Killua honestly didn't know how to react.

"It's a...weird ass plant..?" He said, bewildered.
"Yes! It's a token from a world that I went to with Ging!" He spoke. "Does it do anything ?" He replied. "Nope! It just sits and looks cool." "Then how is it a token?" "Well I got it from a world whose habitants protect themselves by sending outsiders to a different dimension!" He yelled aloud.

"How do you know this plant doesn't do the exact same thing!?" Killua blurted out, to him, this plant was clearly dangerous. "It doesn't, in fact, it's the only thing from that world that doesn't." Gon replied, matter-of-factly. The plant then started to move and shake in its pot.

"Uh Gon..? Is that normal?" The assassin pointed to the now moving plant. Gon was silent.

"Gon?!" He called out, unnerved and concerned at the lack of answer. "Killua...you aren't going to like what I'm about to tell you..." he sweat dropped.


Mito was bringing recently dried clothes back inside. She heard yelling and moving coming up from Gon's room. She sighed and placed the dried clothes into her room and started making her way up the stairs. As the sounds got louder, she got more ticked off. Once she reached Gon's room she knocked on the door three times. "Gon? Killua? Can you guys please quiet do-" A bright light suddenly came from inside the room and pierced through the cracks of the door. Suddenly, it was dead silent. "Gon..?" Mito cracked open the door, only to see the plant that Gon had brought home, but Killua and Gon were no where in sight.

"Boys? Is this some kind of joke..?" She called out, but received no reply. She hastily opened to closet, checked under the beds, and even saw that the windows were locked. Her second thought was that they went back to greed island, but was thoroughly disappointed to find the console in the same place that he left it, with no memory cards inserted within it (He was able to get his hands on a copy after the man that hired him saw no point in keeping them). It seemed that they quite literally disappeared into thin air. Her breath seemed to be caught in her throat as a sense of dread started to settle in her stomach.
Besides the plant, the only thing of Gon's personal items left behind was his phone.


Disclaimer: This chapter is going to be the shortest of all of them. If you felt disappointed that the chapter ended so early, fear not, because the rest will be much longer. This ended up being around 1k words but the story itself was only 800. Anyways, expect more in the future! Goodbye


(Lowkey almost didn't post this and left it in my drafts bc I was losing interest in HxH, but after seeing the new movie, MHA grabbed and dragged me all the way back to this fic. Say thank you to the MHA movie everyone!)

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