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Chapter I; a rough patch
Jan. 6th, 2021

"Everything's going wrong!"

The soon to be nine year old had complete stress rigging her expression. None of us were given the time to show concern, Blue grumbled words of agitation and stomped away.

Her aunt was the first to comment on the dramatic display of rage, "What's her deal?"

Knowing just how my child operates, inherently like her mother, I held up my finger. In due time the adolescent returned with her mini MacBook wedged tightly between her side and arm which multitasked holding her phone while she typed furiously.

"Sorry Mommy, I didn't mean to express so aggressively." Blue apologized and perched herself atop a barstool. Her setup looked much like a college student, study cramming.

"It's fine baby, what's the matter? Schoolwork?"

"Schoolwork got you looking like you need a glass of wine?" Solange quipped as she swirled her own cup for playful emphasis. "What are they teaching these days?"

"That's actually the least of my worries right now," as if to definitively disregard that particular burden, she closed all of her school notebooks decorated with her grade level's math computations and other subject's notes. "All of my favorite friends are backing out of my birthday sleepover because Bugaboo can't get ZenZen to bring spidey boy over."

"No niece, that's some snake ish. Each one of ya lil friends backing out is only in the friendship for benefits, and we don't eff with fake friends. Tell her sis." Solange passed me the torch.

"Well your auntie is correct, regardless of the entertainment you're able to provide your friends should still be down no matter what. But Blue shouldn't have advertised his presence in the first place without knowing if he could come for sure. What does a bunch of eight and nine-year-old girls want with Spider-Man? I'd expect that from Sir, not you."

"Pssh pssh!" The baby boy mimicked his all-time favorite superhero shooting webs while he sat in his highchair snacking on the fruit I was currently cutting up.

"Oh it's not for me, it's for them, they all think the actor is cute. As a certified HotGirl, I gotta make sure my party is one for the books, and if that means getting a meet and greet with Tom then so be it. Especially since McKenzie claims her party will be the best at the school."

"Let me get this straight, your birthday party is going to be conducted under the restriction of pleasing others.
What have I told you about that, and peer pressure?" I didn't scold her, just sought the truth behind her reasoning.

"Twirl on my haters, revenge with my paper, and if it comes down to it I'm my own best friend because I know and want what's best for me."

There's a whole lot of Y/n's logic within that sentence, I know because she'd be the one to give advice with lyrics and it sound cool enough for my daughter to live by. I couldn't do so and it be effective because Blue would call me corny. I smirked and nodded anyway, it did make sense.

"I've got status though Momma, keeping it has never been a problem and I told them I could come through, so I've got to do just that." Blue flipped her phone in my direction, blue and grey bubbles littered the screen, "but your wife is making things hard. She even says she might not make it in time enough to be here on my birthday."

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