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Chapter II; parties & problems
Jan. 8th, 2021

"Bugaboo! Ya buggin', ya buggin' me!" Blue announced her entry to the cabana sheltering the main backyard living space.

The teepee bed swing is where I decided to lounge, to free myself from Beyoncé's mayhem. Any planned out occasion, whether it be a performance or our monthly Sunday dinners, the woman dared herself to go all out.

Today's engagement called for intense preparation for Blue's sleepover, between cleaning the massive house plus decorating the areas set to use, I was worn out and the other kids hadn't even arrived yet. Thankfully Beyoncé allowed me to slip away to fancy up the main backyard patio for the girls' miscellaneous activities, but I took the chance to relax.

"Yet you came and invaded my peaceful atmosphere, so how that work?"

"Like this," Blue responded to my tease by plopping down on the swing. Her sudden weight addition caused momentum to send us through the air back and forth slowly. "You were supposed to be out here decorating for me. But not one thing is covered in sparkles, magenta or cerulean, so what's really good?"

"I did too decorate," I pointed to the few balloons I managed to fill with air, one propped my foot up. "It got to be a little too much, my axma started acting up."

"You mean asthma?" Blue corrected, her miniature hands held firmly onto the balloon my heel rested against. She tried twisting it out from under but I wouldn't budge. That is until her fingers went to tickle the arch of my sock-covered foot. I retracted it quick fast and in a hurry then. "Why isn't this floating? You didn't use your breath did you?"

"What else was I supposed to use?"

The adolescent staled her face and then pointed to a boxed-up helium can.

"Yeo say swear that was there the whole time."

"Swear, that was there the whole time." Blue reiterated, disappointment all over her face. "You should get to it before mommy gets mad at you for a double whammy."

"Oh my god," I groaned. "What is she mad for now?"

"Because you didn't unpack your suitcase when you got back from New York, and she didn't realize until after she did all the laundry."

"Great, my mistake." I slumped into my seat.

Beyoncé was in her right to get irritated at the trifling fuckup that probably impeded her cleaning schedule, and I didn't mind taking fault. But due to the nature of importance, today held and how OCD she became maintaining her coordination, I knew my wife was bound to go overboard expressing her inconvenience regarding the setback.

I didn't feel like getting into it anymore today, we had inferior disagreements on and off all of yesterday and this morning, rude would be an understatement. I decided I wasn't going to feed into the hostility. Just agree, apologize, advance. You can tell this is a reoccurrence between Bey and I, I've created a mantra concerning the process. I just hope my wife is down to let it go easy.

"She trippin' hard?" I delved into the severity of Bey's attitude at the moment.

"I shouldn't really speak on this, but..." Blue checked her surroundings in case her mother crept up, then held up her thumb. To emphasize just how bad Beyoncé was, she made gestures with her hands and animated her expressions.

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