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Chapter IV.I; Icy Park
Jan. 20th, 2021

Releasing tension in my muscles emitted a raunchy groan contrary to the nature of which I intended. I extended the span of my upper torso immediately feeling a tremendous relief within my spine, the removal of pent-up pressure felt so good my legs began to tremble. I grunted due to working out kinks in my lower back, which popped loudly hinting at their removal.

"Growing restless Ms. B?"

Not knowing my much needed stretch gained an unknown audience, I managed to save face despite the unwanted disturbance.

It was Kaash, a young lady who had been brought to my attention a while back by my nephew, but kept hold onto it after I heard some of her work, specifically Love Songs, one of Y/n and I's go-tos on date night. Sonically, her style was unique to me and her wardrobe didn't stray too far either, so I recruited her for this Icy campaign.

"More like stiff." On cue my back grew rigid once more, as I lifted my arms to their limit, my shoulders relaxed causing me to sigh in relief. "I guess that means I'm getting a little old huh?"

My submission to a civil conversation seemed to relieve her from her inferred notion I'd automatically dismiss her, overwhelm her with gratitude, and then pressure her to articulate a sensible response. The battle was visible within her stupefied expression.

"Honestly, if so, I couldn't tell?" Afraid to say the wrong thing, she phrased her reply as a question. Assuring her apprehensive candor, I dressed my face with a smile. Kaash assumed it was okay to take a seat, so she could continue to converse comfortably. Damn. "I know you get this all the time, but you're really a beautiful woman. Witnessing your being in person has got to be at the top of experiences to have in this world."

I was used to the flattery, many people often say the same thing verbatim upon coming into my presence, like I was some unattainable goddess. When in reality I was just human. Therefore, I always accepted the routined compliment humbly and tried to steer the conversation to something else, that didn't revolve around me or my success.

That was one of the many things that interested me about my wife when we first got acquainted, she didn't give not one damn about who I was in BioChem that first day I arrived.

"Thank you so much. It's an honor to be held to such a standard. You're a beautiful young lady as well, I'm glad to have gotten you aboard."

"Believe me, it's an honor for me. I didn't expect my year to start off so grand, and I have you to thank which again is so surreal."

"You're so very welcome." I eased her budding anxiety with a comforting hand on her shoulder. I didn't want the interaction to suffer from silence, so I carried on, "So, you finished your set for the day?"

Eyeing her attire seemed to remind her of what she was doing, and why she approached me in the first place. "Oh, yeah! I just finished the Latte, and the Flashing Light fits, I just have the Ski Tag and I'll be through."

"Great, that's what I like to hear!" I applauded her success, "which's your favorite?"

"All of them really. I like that they all have this comfortable everyday wear sporty type vibe, and you still feel expensive as fuck rockin' it. Icy is befitting."

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