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Butters was woken abruptly by his parents car screeching into a parking space. He was sleeping because of the trouble he had sleeping on the long plane ride from the Denver airport to Honolulu, it was around 7 hours.

Upon arriving, he immediately perked up out of the seat in the back, where he had blankets and pillows stacked for comfort while sleeping. Even though he believed he could probably sleep with or without pillows, he opted for the more comfortable option.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and left the car. His mom popped open the trunk, revealing some suitcases filled with clothes, money, and a few other things such as personal hygiene products.

"Okay cmon hon! Let's unpack and bring these in." His mom called out.

He grabbed a few and began to take them into the resort he was staying at.

It was a large resort, probably bigger than one he had ever seen. You could tell from the outside that it was a tourist location. Although he had been told he was a Native Hawaiian, his parents wanted a cheaper priced stay.

Once everything was in the family's suite, Butters wanted to look around and explore a bit. His mom was showering, so he went to ask his dad who was watching tv.

"Dad could I go explore the resort?" He asked. "Sure, just be back by 5pm for dinner" His dad replied.

To Butters surprise, the rest of the hotel didn't have many people in it. Butters assumed the people were in their rooms.

As he was walking out of the elevator, he saw a boy who seemed to be no older than his grade.

The boy was with a younger girl, and a woman with red hair. They seemed to be struggling to get their things inside.

Butters decided to walk over, attempting to help the family.

"Hey, do you need help with that?" he asked.
"Oh, yeah thanks!" the boy replied.

Butters began to help the family by picking up a few bags, and carrying the bags to the family's room, which was on the 4th floor.

"Thanks for the help!" The boy called out, before watching Butters leave.

"That boy seemed nice!" Butters thought to himself. While walking through the lobby he sees a sign.

"Tropical Treehouse Resort Dole Whip
Making Competition!
Ages 14-18!
Partner required!"
It read.

"Oh golly!!! I have to tell mom and dad about this!!! I want to do this!! Oh wait,,partner required..hmm...I'll find someone!" Butters says with a smile plastered on his face, before running off.

Butters arrives at his hotel room, smiling. "Mom!! Dad!!" He calls out.

"Yes??" His mom, Linda replies.
"Okay so, there's a dole whip competition! And so,, I wanted to sign up!! Should I?"
"Well you know mommy and daddy love you very much. Of course you can honey!!" She replies.

"Yay! Thanks mom!!! I love you" Butters exclaims, with a giddy smile.

The next morning Butters rose very early, to go look for someone to work with. He got breakfast, and went outside to the pools. First, he saw a girl who looked to be about 14. He went to ask her.

"Well hello! Im Butters! Would you like to partner up with me for the dole whip making competition?" He asked.

"Um, no thanks." She replied. "Oh alright." Butters said, before walking off to go look for someone else.

It had been around an hour and Butters was losing hope, until someone approached him. He soon realized that this wasn't exactly a stranger, it was the boy from the night before.

"Hey, you look sad, what's wrong??" The boy asked.

"I just can't find a partner for the dole whip contest..." Butters says, frowning.

"Oh that contest? I was looking for a partner too!! I'll be your partner if you'll be mine? I'm Kenny." The boy states.

"Really?? Thank you Kenny! Im Leopold, but please just call me Butters!!!"

"Okay Butters, cool name by the way." Kenny states.

"I'll see you around!!" Butters grins before walking off.

Butters was ecstatic. He had always had trouble making friends. And even though Kenny was just a partner for something, he now had someone to call a friend. He had spent the rest of the day humming and in a good mood.

Kenny didn't plan on even doing the competition, he just wanted to get to know Butters better. He just wanted a friend for the vacation.

They knew this vacation was going to be good for the both of them.

Aa! First chapter is over:) ty for reading im sorry it's so short ()

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