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hihi! sorry for such a late new chapter, i've had serious writers block!! i also kind of got out of south park for a quick second there </3 On top of that I have been really busy in school because of the year coming to an end so i had finals! ty for nearly 200 reads btw u guys r the best mwa! also things start to heat up towards the end of this chapter so cw for descriptive yelling!
The sun shined down through the drawn back curtains in Butters' hotel room. He immediately sprang up out of joy, excited to see Kenny that day.

Most of his 'friends' from school at his hometown didn't like when he was excited to see them. They said it made him seem gay, but he didn't understand how liking the same gender could be used in such a negative terminology.

Aside from this, Butters was extremely happy to go to an aquarium that day. He had asked his parents if he could invite Kenny, and they gave him the green light so Butters shot him a simple text.

Hi Kenny would you like to hang out today? :) My parents said I could invite you to an aquarium today! To see real life sharks and fish! They never had those in my hometown!

Kenny read the text with the biggest grin on his face. He had been meaning to get out of the hotel for a while, as much as he loved the resort, it could be nice for him to get out of there and explore Hawaii.

But first, Kenny had to ask his mom to make sure she would let him go out.

"Hey mom?" He questioned. "Yes?" his mom replied. "Can i go to the aquarium today with a friend?" he exclaimed. "Of course; just be back by dinner!" his mom said in reply.

Kenny smiled and texted Butters a reply back.

i can make it, do u wanna practice making dole whip after though? im really set on that prize.

Butters looks at the message and smiles. He liked that Kenny seemed really dedicated to things.

Okay I'll meet you in the lobby!

Both Butters and Kenny arrived in the lobby. Butters was with his parents who seemed to be in a bad mood.

Butters had the biggest smile on his face as he got into the car.

They soon arrived at the aquarium and Kenny looked excited. He explained to Butters that he didn't have much money at home, and that the only reason he could afford to go on the vacation was because of a job promotion, so he'd never gone to an aquarium before.

Butters face lit up as soon as they entered the drawn out tunnels made of glass that had different forms of aquatic life inside.

"Did you see that mom?! That's a hammerhead shark!! Look how cool the fella's head looks!" Butters raised his voice in excitement.

"Yes, I see." His mom replied. Kenny was speculating why Butters' mom seemed so upset. He understood that people's parents fight all the time, but he didn't understand what someone could be upset about on a vacation.

Soon, they entered the marine life section. It was a semi outdoor area, with big tanks, that had habitats catered for different species.

Butters ran up to the seal area. He kept pointing out different animals, and each time his parents seemed to become more agitated.

After they finished looking at the animals, Butters and Kenny decided to look at the gift shop on the way out, while Butters' parents waited for them outside.

Butters saw a bracelet with a turtle on it. It was a brown leather texture and had a turtle charm on the middle. He kept looking at it and commented on how beautiful it was. "Kenny, don't you think it's super cool?" He stated.

Kenny agreed and Butters looked a bit upset because he knew his parents wouldn't buy it for him and he had no money.

"Hey dude?" Kenny questioned. "Yeah?" Butters replied. "Can I buy that bracelet for you? It's only like 15 dollars, and you seem like you want it, I've been saving up some money to get my little sister a doll, but I have about $20 left over, so I can give it to you?"

Butters smiled. "Well fella, you really don't have to!! You said earlier your family doesn't have much money.." Kenny smiled back. "It's fine, think of it as a gift!"

Kenny bought him the bracelet, and they left the gift shop, and went to Butters' room to practice the dole whip.

They were having a really good time practicing, and didn't even notice how big of a mess they made. Butters tried to clean it up, but after Kenny left, his parents were angry at him.

His parents had just returned from a restaurant, and looked extremely tense.

"Son. You understand your supposed to have the kitchen here clean at all times?" His mom said, her usually sweet voice raising with every word.

Butters nodded and apologized, but his dad was already angry and blew up at him.

"Son, first you bring your friend along with us on a family only aquarium trip, then you make a mess of our kitchen!! You know how you are supposed to act, our expectations for you do not change at all even on vacation!!" His voice escalated from a grumble to fully yelling out loud.

"Dad I'm sor-" Butters starts to speak, but his dad interrupts him. "Sorry is not at all going to cut it this time son! You are grounded. Don't even think about going to that dumb dole whip competition!!" He yells.

"Honey, I don't think that's a good idea..It's his vacation too. Why don't we just ground him afterwards." Butters' mom attempts to reason with her husband.

"No Linda! He knows the rules and he chose to disobey them! It's his fault completely and he is fully aware of that! He can do the dole whip competition, but other than that, he has to stay in the room." He says.

Butters frowns. He wanted to enjoy this vacation. He didn't want to go home to people from his town. They weren't nice to him. He just wanted to hang out with Kenny.

He heard his parents fighting from the bathroom in the small hotel room.

"Stephen! Your taking your anger out on him! He didn't do anything, you did! I can't believe you picked up old habits! You haven't even gone there since Butters was 9!"

Butters began to cry. It wasn't sobbing, just tears. This happened every time they tried to have fun. He didn't understand why his parents couldn't just stick it out, and not argue for even a week.

Thanks for reading! :) I missed writing so much!

tropical punch - south park - bunnyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin