2| Just in Time

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Paranoia gets the best of me and I hurriedly unlock my car, wear the seatbelt and turn the ignition as my eyes meet those of the person sitting behind the wheel of the other car and I know for sure, that this is not the first time I have seen this guy and its not even going to be the last probably.

The car won't start. Yeah, right.

 A million thoughts are racing in my head. My subconscious is slowly waking up,  putting all the thoughts together in one place as if now is the time to solve this jigsaw puzzle. No, now is not the goddamn time for this. I look up again to see him staring me with hawk eyes, like he is thinking something, battling with his own thoughts, the machines behind those eyes are going round and round and I can make this out just by the look that he is giving me.

Finally, after what feels like hours, he breaks eye contact and I let out a sigh. I see him fumble with the seatbelt. Wait, what? Is he getting out of the car? Is he going to just come after me in the parking lot of a grocery store? Doesn't this count as a public place? Not that there are many people in the store considering how little cars I can see parked here.Is his where it ends?

My mind adds- I can sense trouble, Taylor. He opens his car door and I know I have to get out of here with a speed faster than that of light, sound and thoughts combined (yes I know stuff like that, call me a geek, I don't care) and I do understand how stupid and impossible that sounds but i've got to try atleast. I turn the key in the ignition and precisely when his foot touches the concrete ground, my car engine revvs up and comes to life and hope lights me up like the lights on a Christmas tree. I cannot see his face now but he must be devastated considering how he wont lay hands on me, not tonight at the least and that's a huge relief for me.

 I exit the parking lot in full speed and let out a breath, which I didn't realize I was holding, as I got on the main road. I look at my knuckles which are full white because of gripping the wheel so tightly and my nerves are all frantic and adrenaline is pumping through my whole body. I need to calm down. Driving seems like a bad idea. I need to stop somewhere, get a coffee and just calm myself down and I know just the right place for it.

I turn right and leave the main road. Out here, its like I'm surrounded by black SUVs and I cannot help but wonder which one of these belongs to him. Would he still be following me? Would he want to try cornering me again?

I quicky glance at the rearview mirrors and remind myself to keep my attention on the road. I need to calm down but I cannot go home because A its too far, I wont be able to hold on that long, B I will be alone there which is not a good idea and C I think that is enough reasons. I automatically drive to my one safe haven in this town, The Barista, thinking that a familiar place and some familiar faces should serve me well.

I open the door to the café and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked goodies hits me like a wave and the bell tinkles to welcome me back. I look over behind the counter to see Mr. Williams already smiling at me. I salute in the air and head over to my usual booth, at the back and just beside the window, which by good graces, is empty today. God, I missed this place. Some soft music is playing in the background. I remember suggesting Mr. Williams to always play soft music, as it calms many people and makes them feel like home and we did just that and earnt a lot of happy customers. I place my order, iced caramel latte with 2 sweet n' lows and think about the good time I've spent working here. When I was new to this town, with no job, and absolutely no acquaintances, I came here all stressed and Mr. Williams offered me to work in his kitchens and when I said yes, it turned out to be the best decision of my life. And this is exactly the place where I first met Kit, and we've been best friends ever since ,good friends as per him, since guys don't do best friends and shit, I imitate him in my mind and roll my eyes just at the thought of it.

Speaking of which, I should tell him about this apparent stalker/ serial killer, that I have on my heels. When my eyes met those of that stranger, I could remember every little detail that my subconscious had gathered but not registered and tallied with my conscious mind. All those times, I saw the guy and his car from my window, outside the mall, the movie theatre last week. He was following me and not even being subtle about it. Like who does that, dude? Don't you have a life?

Just then, I see a car coming to halt just in front of my window and I hear increasing voices from behind the kitchen which has never happened before. I think which of the said problems is more important to deal with.

is it the same guy? what do you think?

suggest me some good songs !

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