27| Texting ;)

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As soon as I step into the shower and turn the faucet on, my phone goes 'Pinggggg'.

Whoever it is that is messaging me can surely wait. Or they would have called if it was urgent right?

Right now, this is some me time.

I quickly take a shower, wrap a bath robe around me and check my phone. It has two unread messages both from Jon but one was received in the afternoon and the other, while I was showering.

The one sent in the afternoon read -

Jon : Hey, just letting you know that I had to fly over to London to meet the publishers. I got the call right after you left this morning and had to leave urgently. If there is any problem or any updates, you know who to call ;)

The most recent one -

Jon : Sending someone at your place to get your window fixed. They should be there any minute now.

How thoughtful of him!

I quickly dress in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt and the doorbell rings.

Zeus is already at the door before me.

When I open the door, I see two guys in their mid twenties smiling goofily at me.

"Hello Miss, we were sent by some... uhh ..." one of them removes a piece of paper from the pocket, reads and continues,

"We were called by Mr. Allen to fix a window."

"Sure, come right this way."

I lead the way and take them in the bedroom where they take measurements, one of them leaves to get some stuff and they both work for around two hours while I watch the commotion standing by the doorway.

I put my hands in my pocket and find a note there.

Notes really have become our thing, haven't they?

I see a scribble across the page, which looks like a tissue paper and I remember the night when Jon, Kit and Amy spent together at the Barista and Jon had handed out his phone numbers to all of us on tissues.

The note says 'I love the way you laugh' across the phone number.

Damn it, he's making me smile even when he isn't here.

After two hours and a mended window, they leave and I make some mac and cheese for me.

While eating, I remember that I actually forgot to send a reply to Jon. Immediately grabbing he phone, I send him a message.

Tay : Hi, yeah the guys came and fixed the window. Thankyou! Hope you had a safe landing.

Within minutes, I get a reply.

Jon : hello beautiful. You don't have to thank me You know.

Tay : how did the meeting go?

Jon : It went well. They seem happy and satisfied with the ideas that have brewed in my head.

Tay : Cool.

Jon : You still haven't read my first book yet.

Tay : Gonna start tomorrow.

Jon : Promise?

Tay : Pinky swear.

Jon : what are you eight?

Tay : I wish.

I finish the macaroni, feed Zeus, do the dishes and call it a night.

But before I go to bed, I feel tempted to call that number again.

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