18|eh ehem

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I had a good time talking with Jon. He doesn't seem like someone who would stalk/kill 22 year old women, so that's a good start I guess?

But throughout the time we sat in the elevator, I felt some kind of pull towards him. Not in a sexual manner, all I wanted was to touch him maybe, accidentally brush my hand against his, touch his hair to push back his blonde, wavy locks that had fallen on his forehead or engulf him in a hug.

I felt safe with him.

Maybe it is his intoxicating smell or his British accent, I don't know, I just enjoyed being in his company.

That is why I agreed to show him around time; and the 4a.m. Was just to annoy him, but I couldn't believe he actually agreed to that early in the morning. I know I am going to be groggy and moody at that time but whatever, that will be his problem, not mine.

When we reach the barista, the wind picks up and I regret not bringing a jacket with me.

"Kit will be so happy to see you," I tell Jon and he smiles showing his dimples and he looks so cute when he smiles, I barely control myself from reaching over and pulling his cheeks.

What is wrong with me?!

We enter the diner and to my utter shock, I see my two bestfriends kissing each other. And they are so engrossed in it, they don't even take note of or presence.

I clear my throat but to no avail, they continue their 'workout'.

Beside me, I sense Jon getting tensed and looking at me.

I clear my throat more loudly, I swear I will get a sore throat just because of this.

They break the kiss and look over at us with wide eyes, straightening their composure.

It's funny how they look at us as if teens who are busted in front of their parents.

I guess it's time to have fun ;)

"you two? Since how long? Oh my God!"

"Let me explain Tee. It is not how it looks..." Kit starts saying but I break him off instantly.

"No! How can you do this? Since how long Amy?"

It's so hard for me to keep a straight face right now because internally I am laughing so hard at her pouty scared little face.

I turn to look at Jon and his face is split into a wide grin, again showing his dimples that I have found adorable. So maybe he is actually smart and knows what I am doing.

Amy starts rambling,

"I am so sorry Tee. We were about to tell you last week itself but so much happened. That day at the dance we met and vibed and after everything happened, Kit was there and he consoled me and one thing lead to the other and then we kind of made out. Then he left. Then again yesterday when us three came here and I dropped you, Kit had creepily, might I add, broken in to my apartment and when I reached home, he said he really likes me and wants to give it a chance. We were about to tell you seriously, Taylor please please forgive us."

That's it. I can't control it.

I burst out laughing and Amy looks at me as if I have just lost it.

"Your face.... Oh goodness... look at your face... I can't" I manage to say between squeals of laughter.

Without realizing what I am doing, I hold on to Jon's arm for support and try to return back to normalcy.

And I succeed but again start laughing hysterically by seeing the even more confused look on Kit's face.

"She was just messing with you." Jon explains and I see that he too is amused by this conversation.

"Chill you two. I am not your parent and you are both adults now. Why would I mind?"

"You should have gone in theatrics you know?" Kit says dryly.

"oh wait, is that why you were acting weirdly in the morning?" I ask Amy.

"I was worried of how you will react." She says sheepishly and a blush creeps her cheeks.

Amy is blushing? 

She so likes him!

I roll my eyes and head over to our usual booth, which is again, empty.

"She has been blabbing about how hungry she is ever since we got stuck in a lift." Behind me Jon explains to them.

We all sit down. Me with Jon on one side and the new couple or whatever they are, on the other side.

"till yesterday you two weren't talking and now suddenly you both get along so well. What did we miss?" Kit asks and Amy joins him,

"what's your story?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me and I can only hope that Jon did not notice that.

We tell them about our conversation in the elevator and Kit tells Jon how worried I was that Jon was stalking me but Jon just laughs it off.

The same waitress as yesterday, still don't know her name, still feel like I know her from school, arrives with food and when everyone's attention is in their plates, Jon asks me in a whisper,

"Why would you directly jump to the conclusion that someone may want to kill you?"

Maybe because of what happened with my mother.

Maybe because of my past.

But I don't tell this to him.

"I don't know. Read too much murder mystery novels maybe? Speaking of which, I want to read your novel!"

"Sure, why not."

Amy interrupts, "Hey Tee, when are we gonna start our detective conquest?"

"Tomorrow at school."

"what detective?"

Amy explains him about how we both are supposed to work together and get more details about what actually happened.

"But shouldn't the sheriff be doing this?"

"These are just high school students, interrogation by the sheriff might trigger some of them."

"Uh huh. Anyways, if you ever need me, you know how to reach me, right?"

"But none of us have your cell number." Amy pouts.

Jon scribbles something on 3 tissues and passes it to us.

"Now you do."

I keep mine in the pocket of my joggers without glancing at it and when I look up, Amy winks at me. I can't help but smile.

We stuff our mouths with cheesy lasagna and eat the rest of the meal in a comfortable silence.

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