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        Whenever something happens, I'm always the one blamed. It doesn't matter if I had nothing to do with it, I was automatically blamed. This time was no exception.

        I walked down the hallway to the principal's office, the hood of my jacket pulled over my head to disguise what made me so different. The thing that caused me to be the scapegoat of every problem. The door to the principal's office was closed, so I just sat down outside and waited. It was about a minute or two before the door swung open and I saw Principal Jordan glaring at me.

        I sigh and stand up, "What is it I didn't do this time?"

        "You mean what you did." He stands aside and motions me to sit down in the usual chair across from him.

        "Whatever it is," I walk in and sit down, "I can promise you it wasn't me."

        "Why must you always lie?" He stares at me from the other side of the desk, "Wouldn't it be easier just to admit what you did?"

        "It would be easier if I actually did it. Now, could you please tell me what I'm being acused of?"

        Principal Jordan sat back and crossed his arms, "The fish in the Biology room are gone, and you're obviously the one who took them because you're a..." he shut up as I started growling at him.

        "Look," I sigh and sit back, "it wasn't me." I hold up my hand to stop him as he's about to protest, "I've been in the art room the entire day. Just ask Mrs. Granger."

        The principal kept glaring at me, and starting to make me think about if looks could kill.

        "Fine, I'll ask her." He picks up the phone, and after a brief conversation, puts it back a bit harder than necessary and looks at me with a defeated and angered look on his face, "You may go now."

        I stand up and start walking out, but just before I walk out the door, I let my tail slip out from under my jacket.

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