Chapter Two

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        She looked about as shocked to see me as I was of her. For almost two minutes, we stood there, staring at each other, until Mrs. Granger cleared her throat and brought us out of our daze.

        "Hi," Yuki walks to me and extends her hand, smiling warmly.

        My hand slightly shakes as I take hers, and find it surprisingly warm, even through my gloves, "H-h-h-hi..."

        She tilts her head to the smile and laugh, "A bit nervous, are we?" She laughs again as I look away, starting to feel embarrased.

        Mrs. Granger steps up to cover for me, "He's just shy around new people," she gives me a wink, "especially around girls."
        They both start smiling as I quickly turn away, hiding my now red face.

        "Oh, come on Tats," Mrs. Granger puts an arm on my shoulder and turns me back around, "don't be shy."

        Don't be shy? Telling me not to be shy is like telling the Earth to stop moving, it just doesn't happen. But, I nod and give a small, shy smile.

        "You should have seen him when I first met him," Mrs. Granger looks over at Yuki, "he wouldn't come out from under the table."

        Yuki's eyes widen, "You're kidding!"

        I interrupt Mrs. Granger by nodding my head, "Y-yeah, I h-h-h-hid under the table..." I shrug, "It w-w-wasn't the proudest time of my life."

        Yuki crossed her arm, "Well, chop off my legs and call me Shorty! I've never met someone that was that shy."

        I shrug as Mrs. Granger starts talking, "I'm guessing that my being here helps."

        More than you realize. I glance at Yuki, still not quite believing that the tail and ears were real. But, I knew that by the way they moved that they weren't fake. Yuke noticed me looking at her, and tilts her head questioningly to the side.



        Mrs. Granger starts walking towards the door, "Well, I've got a few things to do, so I'll leave you two alone now."

        I almost call her back, but she had already walked out. Great, I was alone in the room with a stranger, and what was even more scary was that the stranger was a girl. All my instincts scream at me to dart under the nearest table, but somehow I manage to keep myself right where I was.

        "You're not going to hide under a table?" Yuki sits down, studying me closely.

        I slightly shake my head and sit down next to her.

        "Good, that wouldn't be a good way to impress a girl."

        Impress a girl? What was she talking about?

        "You're name is Tatsuya, right?" She tilts her head, "I'm sorry I ask, but I don't have the best memory."

        I nod, "Y-yeah, that's my name."

        "Alright. Oh, and if you don't remember, my name is..."
        "Yuki," I interrupt, nodding slightly, "I remember. Th-there's nothing that I don't remember."

        "Yeah, really."
        "Wow," she shakes her head, "that's amazing! I wish I could remember everything."
        If only she knew how much of a curse this was. Sure, being able to remember everything had its perks, but there were many things that I wish I could forget.

        "I'm brought back out of my thoughts by a small shove to my arm, "Huh?"

        "I said, are you busy after school?"

        "Oh, um..." I look out the window, "n-no, not really."
        "Then, you want to want to head to the mall with me? To hang out or something?"

        That caught me off guard. I've never been asked to do anything with anyone. I can't even remember ever going to the mall before. I debate with myself for a while, but then nod, "Sure."

        Yuki smiles, "Fantastic."

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