Chapter Five

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My claws were out in a second, and I got into a fighting stance. Yuki was beside me, adopting a similar stance. The demons saw us, and quickly started running. There were about thirty of them, all armed with a variety of crude weapons fashioned out of obsideon.

"Don't think Tats, just let your instincts do the work for you," Yuki said, then ran to meet the first of the demons.

I turn to see a demon running at me brandishing an obsideon sword. I take a step towards it, then duck and barely avoid decapitation.

How could I take this thing out? I don't know how to fight, what was I thinking?

Don't think, I tell myself, just do.

The demon takes another swing, and I put a hand up instinctively to deflect the attack. The blade breaks into pieces as my claws slice through it, and I take advantage of its surprise by using my other clawed hand to quickly dispatch the demon.

It falls over just in time for three more to jump at me. I kill them just as quickly as the first, then start running towards the portal, leaving a trail of bodies behind me.

Yuki had already made her way over there, and was dealing with five demons at once, the blades of her daggers covered in black blood.

She glances over at me and takes out two of her attackers, "Glad you could make it."

"Well, I thought I'd take a scenic route," I take out another one, turning its blade so it stabbed itself.

"You need to take out that portal," Yuki motions to the swirling thing in the middle of the room, "otherwise these guys'll keep coming."

"Well, how would you suggest I do that?"

"Just let your instincts to the job," she ducks down as two of the demons attack her on opposite sides, and instead end up killing each other.

I sigh and shake my head. It was a lot simpler than it sounded, but no matter how hard I tried, the portal remained open.

"I can't do it!" I turn and face Yuki, then barely get a hand up in time to deflect a spear.

"Yes you can," she replies, then takes put the spear thrower, "you're just not not thinking about it. Just do, don't think!"

"You try not thinking!"

"Tats, you're making this harder than it is. You've done this many times before..."

"NO I HAVEN'T!" In utter frustration and anger, I turn and swing a fist at the portal. It stops at the opening as if I had hit some unseen wall. A cracking sound fills the cavern, and white jagged lines flowed from my clenched fist. The remaining demons scream in fear, and make a mad dash towards me.
I hold up my other hand and stop them mid-step, then lift them up in the air. When I speak, my voice sounds nothing like how it should.
"That is ENOUGH!" I clench my hand, a sickening crack emitting from the demons, and the portal explodes in a shower of ash. The demons's limp bodies fall to the ground as the ash settles, and I turn to face Yuki.
"Did I..." I watch her turn sideways as I fall over, all strength escaping me. She quickly runs over to me and tosses her daggers aside.
"Tatsuya? Tats, talk to me!"
I cough and close my eyes, "I can't... feel my arms..."
She laughs in relief, then lifts me up by my arms and starts dragging me out of the room, "Yeah, I bet. Using that much magic would definitely drain you of strength."
"Where... where are we going?"
"I'm taking you to a bed so you can rest."
I look up at her, "And then?"
She stops and looks me straight in the face, "And then we go to Atlantis."

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