The Widow....again

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Edge of Uptown Heights
1st Ward
Dorian's Overpass

Anzel Grey walked home from the Memorial that honored the people of Opal City who lost their lives during the Kidnapping of Charles Marcx. He walked home because things got heated and he needed to take a beat. The death of his uncle Jonn had really taken a toll on him. Not to mention, his cousins filled him in on the fact they are witches and have magical powers. All of this has completely overwhelmed Anzel to say the least. He decided that he would walk across Dorian's Overpass to meet his cousins in Binary Township, he couldn't take the Ferry because it came with too many memories. His Uncle; Jonnathan Grey Sr. took over as his legal guardian after Anzel's parents were killed in a car crash. The triplets; Jonnathan Grey jr., Joey Grey and Jordan Grey were more like his little brothers than his cousins. His uncle Jonn treated him well. He taught him how to fish, and how to change a tire on a car. Losing him was going to take a while to get used to. Anzel stayed in his thoughts as he got to the edge of downtown Heights. Dorian's Overpass was a huge metal bridge that connected The Heights To Binary Township. Underneath the bridge was a 1,200 ft drop....straight into a rocky but stagnant and misty Melinda's Lake. The metal was rusty and most of the bridge was covered in vines that grew purple flowers. As Anzel approached the Overpass, he noticed orange and blue cloth blowing in the wind, just off the side of the rail. He had a guess at what he saw on the overpass, but didn't get a clear look because as soon as he saw it, it disappeared. Anzel's heart began to beat wildly. His mind flashed back to when his boyfriend, Troy Summers went missing. It was surrounded by so much death. He rushed to the side rail of the bridge and looked over. He scanned the rocky bottom of the still misty lake. His heart fell to his stomach after he realized what had happened. It was an elderly woman with a tattered and flowing orange and blue dress. She had thrown herself into the rocky waters. Her body lied limp, sideways against a huge rock below. Blood splattered out, sprayed the area around her body, and dripped into the water. Anzel gasped and clenched his chest. He couldn't believe what he just saw. He immediately pulled out his phone to call the authorities, but before he could press the 'call' button, something strange began to happen. Anzel noticed that the blood had stopped gushing, but then the woman's body began to move. Twisting and cracking, this way and that, it seemed like her body was readjusting itself, to its original positions. Arms twisted and cracked. Legs snapped back in place. When the process was finished, she stood in the middle of the rock and let out a Blood curdling wail,


Cried out the Woman,

Anzel felt that this cry wasn't because of physical pain, but emotional. The woman jumped in the water and swam to the shore.

Anzel took his jacket off and rushed to the side she was headed for. When he got there, he froze. He finally noticed who this woman was, everyone knew her. She was the same woman who went missing after a murder mansion party, the same woman who's family was known for for hating super humans, the same woman who's body was inhabited by her racist ancestor and kidnapped Charles Marcx.....Widow Helena Ryker. She was dripping wet and frozen in mid step. Everyone was looking for her, she had somehow escaped Ally and the SNTF, and was listed as Number 2 on Opal's Most Wanted. Her grey and black hair hung to her face, as it dripped with water. Anzel was terrified. He began to shake holding up his jacket.

"I .....I thought, I thought that you'd be cold, so I ...."

Said Anzel backing up,

Widow Ryker looked sad,

"Please, don't be frightened....I just ...I just ..."

Said The Widow, busting into tears.

She threw herself to the ground and began to sob. Anzel analyzed her, she didn't seem like some psycho crazy nun....he just stopped and stared at her,

"What's wrong?"

Asked Anzel,

"Did you not just run down here to try to save me? I tossed myself over because I wanted to leave this earth! I want to leave this vessel!"

Hissed The Widow,

"I'm lost, aren't you the woman who kidnapped Charles Marcx?, it's like a city-wide manhunt for you-"

Anzel started but he was interrupted,

"Let them come! This was my last attempt! I'm done, it's set!"

Says the Widow as she throws herself into another sob,

"What's going on?"

Anzel asks, walking closer sounding concerned,

"I am NOT the woman who kidnapped Charles Marcx you idiot!!! I am Widow Helena Ryker! Head of The Ryker Estate! Wife of Roman Ryker the 3rd!!..."

Stated the Widow, getting up and standing to her feet.

Anzel didn't look impressed,

"Uhhhh, Continue...."

Says Anzel, waiting for more.

"It was a parasite living inside my head for months!!! And they don't believe it!!!! That foul girl Katrina Caldwell possessed her uncle to kill my oldest friend!!! Lousie was a living monument, a living testament to the progression of the Human faction! I never wanted her dead, no matter how annoying she got. Whatever that little psychic did to me, it changed me....whatever I do I cannot die! I am cursed to walk this earth forever!"

Shouts The Widow, who has now began sobbing again,

"So you want to die?"

Asked Anzel looking confused,

"My dear child, when you get to my age....89 to be exact, you don't want to live forever. It's not what you think, it's not like I don't feel pain, I feel pain. I still have the same aches and bruises from before this all happened, it's like I'm trapped at this age and in the body, if I don't die tomorrow, I would still like the option of checking out..."

Explains The Widow,

Anzel walked up to The Widow and placed his jacket around her shoulders. He gave her a smile, because an idea popped in his head.

"Hey, so you have a supernatural problem?"

Anzel asked,


Replies The Widow, looking into Anzel's grey eyes,

"It just so happens I have three cousins, who definitely would help you out..."

Says Anzel, with a devilish smile,

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