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Fares and Fairies
2nd Ward
Uptown Heights

"You said WHAT?!?"

Replies Joey Grey, through his spiky blonde tipped hair.

Joey Grey looked just like his siblings; Jonnathan Grey Jr. and Jordan Grey. They were around 5'10, caramel complexion with an even perfect shaped face. Joey had spiked his hair and dyed the tips of it to standout amongst his twins, otherwise they couldn't be told apart. The loss of their father Jonnathan Grey Sr, had shaken them more than Anzel had realized. They were in the back cabin of the pay booth of Fares and Fairies. Fares and Fairies served as a ferry system to each of the islands, it has been in the Grey family for centuries. It looks like Joey has been staying here for a few days, his clothes were sprawled about the quarters. Old open pizza boxes and plastic water bottles lie scattered about. Anzel thought his cousin would be happy, he's practically offering the person who killed his father, on a silver platter, 

"I told her you would you could you know....."

Anzel said, looking intently at Joey.

Joey looked completely shocked,

"Dude, you do know that... that's not the lady that killed dad right? The lady who killed dad....has been dead Anzel"

Says Joey dryly.

"Dads death took a toll on us for real, Jonnathan and Jordan want to Vanquish Vivian's spirit for good. But, that would require power from all three of us to pull her spirit from the otherside....and I just don't want to do it...."

Says Joey solemnly,

Anzel frowned,

"Why not? I mean it sounds simple.."

He asked Joey,

"Doing a spell like that is risky, it's not simple , it requires tons of energy, and honestly....I don't think it's worth it... I just want to move forward...."

Says Joey, looking down.

"Ahhh dude..... I thought I was helping.......I'm sorry. So, I guess she's really Widow is that possible?"

Anzel asks,

Joey scratched his head,

"Honestly, I'm not sure. What we have come to know about Psychics are few and far between. High Priestess Voodun has some knowledge but not a lot. Katrina has all of the info, that is the real villain...,but somehow that gets lost in translation ...."

Joey's Voice trailed off....

" there anything you can do for her? I kinda promised you would help her...please little cousin??"

Anzel pleaded,

Joey pondered for a second,

"Fine, where is she?"

Joey gives in,

"She's outside, she's kinda wet and's a long story hold on..."

Says Anzel.

Anzel goes out of the cabin for about a couple minutes or so before returning with The Widow. She steps through the door and held herself like the walls would make her physically sick. Joey made a face.

"It doesn't matter if you were possessed by the devil, prejudice just runs in Ryker's blood..."

Scoffs Joey,

Widow Ryker looked offended,

"Those allegations never cease to stop looming. My family is not prejudice!"

Replies The Widow,

"The manufacturing of Vextomine proves my point!!"

Shouts Joey,

"The fact that The Witch Riots of 2017, finally opened your eyes to the existence of us witches says more!!"

Joey continues.

Just then Anzel shouts;

"Stop!!! I didn't bring you guys here to argue. Cousin.... please can you see what's wrong with her?"

Joey exhales,

"Sure, whatever"

Joey says getting the hair out his eyes.

"Stand still.....don't move, "

Instructs Joey to The Widow,

He moves closer to The Wet Widow and Places both hands outstretched in front of him. Like a scanner, he moved them about The Widow. He suddenly got a chill then he gasped. He closed his eyes and began to talk;

"It looks like her soul is stuck in limbo,"

Joey says, without opening his eyes,

"What does that mean?"

Says The Widow concerned,

"Her soul is trapped between the Astral Plane and The's guarded by psychic energy....I can try to break it....."

Joey says with his eyebrows raised and eyes closed,

"Wait, is that safe?"

Asks Anzel,

Just then,


Joey and The Widow are blown apart by a purple blast of energy. Anzel is thrown off his feet as well. Joey looked up from beyond an overturned couch.

"...her soul has been trapped because of the Binding Agent that Vivian was consuming to stay in her body..."

Says Joey, he began to get up and pull himself together.

"Binding Agent?"

Asks The Widow standing up,

"Yeah, in order for Vivian to stay in your body for as long as she did, she needed to consume tons of the stuff for her soul to stay stable....after Vivian was expelled...somehow Widow Helena Ryker soul survived....which trapped her in the Tween...."

Explains Joey,

"Well what does that all mean?"

Ask Anzel,

"It means..that my  magic alone is not strong enough to break the effects of the Binding Agent. Honestly, even if me and my twin brothers were still talking, I don't think we'd be strong enough either...."

Answers Joey,

"Do you know who would be?"

Asks the Widow impatiently,

"The only person other than High Priestsess Voodun, who's more powerful than her daughter; Myeisha Voodun"

Answers Joey, who started fixing the overturned furniture from the psychic blast.

"Where is she?"

Asks The Widow with more attitude,

"After the Kidnapping of Charles Marcx, she took up Residency at the place that has haunted Jonnathan Jr. for months...... Djinns Covenant Of The Arc; Sisterhood of The Nuns of Opal City...."

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