Helena's Ordainment

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Djinn's Covenant Of The Arc; Sisterhood Of The Nuns of Opal City
Binary Township
6th Ward

Djinn's Covenant Of The Arc was a massive church that housed the secluded Nuns of Opal City. The church was immense as it sits on the edge of Binary Township's lush island. It's architecture was emaculant. Huge windows with carefully stained glass populated every corner, and sprinkled the ceiling. The floor was a smooth grey stone that also seemed to make up the many tall pillars that loomed in everyroom. The auditorium is where the wonderful ceremony took place. The Nuns opened the Arc to the public in the following months of the Kidnapping Of Charles Marcx. Everyone needed to rebrand, and the Nuns probably needed it more than anyone. During the wild event, Djinn's Covenant was listed as the first place that Evelyn Munroe was sent after finding out that she might have supernatural abilities. Judged not only by the church's abrasive ways of trying to purge Evelyn of her darkness, but also by their inability to stop something that has affected numerous people since she left the Nuns care. So, as penance for their blunder, they allowed in wayward girls of all species to join their sisterhood. After careful thought, Widow Helena Ryker decided that she would join the sisterhood as herself. The Widow stood on the stage of the church auditorum in a gown of all white. She wore a white lace veil that covered her face. She stood poised and silent, as there were speakers that came out on her behalf. The Church's seats weren't packed but it was a nice size to make anyone nervous. Especially since the last time she spoke in front of a large group, it was to announce the departure from her status as Head-Mother of her Family tree. An unfortunate situation that included her and her best friend Lady Lousie Munroe, made both women leave the public eye. She felt good that she was no longer on the run for a crime she did not commit. The Sentencing Of Katrina Caldwell saw that she was exonerated from the horrible crimes that were commited through use of her body. With her past vindicated, she was finally able to clear her name and start over. She settled in with the Nuns, and made her bones. It hasn't been that long, and they were already ordaining the Widow today. After only two months at the Arc, Widow Helena Ryker has been asked to be Abbess or Mother Superior of Djinn's Arc. The audience held a slew of familiar faces, with Taylor and Myeisha Voodun being the most recognizable. Widow Ryker held her composure as the last speaker walked on stage and began his speech, who was none other than.....Matthew Munroe Jr.

"Welcome all who has come to Helena Ryker's Ordianment of Mother Superior,"

Matthew began,

Out of Lady Lousie Munroe's children; Margot Munroe and Matthew Munroe Jr.....Matthew was the best looking. He stood tall and straight, and wore a suit in his classic olive color. His skin was fair and his blonde hair was shiny. His smile was omminus as it was calming. Matthew was Lousie Munroe's spitting image, both in beauty and in legal prowess. In the years after his Mothers death, Matthew's convictions rate had been slowly rising. With the most prominent being his most recent case of the Sentencing Of Katrina Caldwell. He fought hard and was able to secure a conviction he thought settled the public and helped the progression of Opal City law enforcement. Matthew wasn't distant with the Widow like Louise's daughter, Margot. In fact there was a point Helena called him "nephew" because of their relationship. So it would make since that He spoke last. God forbid her son Roman Ryker Jr would show up, he's always been distant with his mother, and even more so since the event that has rattled the city.

"Helena and her family have been a part of my family for decades and with my sister and Roman's recent wedding...it doesn't seem to change any time soon. Helena has been like an aunt to me my entire childhood and has always shown me the utmost kindness and respect. Although ....not the best decision, but Helena funded and aided my mother in creating Opal's first prison for evolved humans. It wasn't the best idea at the time but it set forth a long list of rules and regulations that keep the citizens of Opal City safe. When I got the call that my mother had been killed, my reaction after the grief; was to find The Widow and bring her to safety. 3-4 years later, we are here at the Arc and undergoing this lovely ceremony to honor one of the most important woman in my life, so please give it up for the special and lovely Mother Helena Ryker...."

Matthew finished, he began clapping and gesturing for Helena to come to the microphone. Everyone clapped. Myeisha and Taylor Voodun clapped and smiled.

Helena spoke;

"Thank you all for coming, I would like to personally thank-"

She began, but suddenly Taylor and Myeisha began to scream wildly,

"Ahhhhhhh, noooooo"

Taylor Voodun yells,


Yells Myeisha Voodun

The crowd clamours......

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