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'It seems that this training isn't for everyone...'


Year 850 – 2 years after enlisting

Cadets, cold and tired, were running through the rain, carrying their equipment and trying to finish the training as soon as possible. Shadis was taking note of everyone's actions, whether they slow their tracks or speed up. The first in line were Mikasa and Annie, head-to-head. Then Paloma and others like Bertholdt and Jean. But almost at the end of the group was Armin, being left behind and tired, his backpack becoming heavier with each raindrop. His face showed exhaustion, but he tried to continue.

"You're too slow! Run faster!" The instructor was in his horse, no cadet leaving his side. "What's wrong, Arlert!? You're falling behind! If this were a real fight, you'll be titan food by now!"

Viktor noticed that and slowed his rhythm, leaving some cadets to pass him, just to continue besides the blonde guy.

"Here, give me that." He took Armin's bag and carried it, taking the heavy weight off him. "You'll fail if you keep that pace, they're grading us on this exercise."

"But... You'll lose points too if you help me!" They kept running.

"Then we shouldn't let them find this out, come on! I won't leave you behind."

Shadis examined them, when suddenly Armin took his backpack off Viktor and started running.

"I will not slow you down, even if I'm exhausted!"

"Hey!" Viktor ran behind him, evading his comrades in his way. They both managed to reach Eren and the others.

Their next training was slaying the nape of the titan dummies around the forest, and strike before the others. It was another important exam, because I'll determinate if they're able to reach the top ten.

Paloma pulled the trigger and flew through the trees, looking for the target. The wind hitting her face was amazing, making her feel like a free bird, it was a sensation that she'll never get tired of. When she found the dummy, she detached her wires and approached it, taking out her blades.

"You're mine- WHAT!?" She almost lost her balance when the two boys passed besides her at full speed.

"Thanks, Allard! You were really helpful!" The smirk on Jean's face vanished almost in an instant when Sasha slayed the titan before them, laughing and celebrating.

"Yahoo!" Sasha's enthusiasm made her smile a little, she could never be angry with her.

"Nice one, Sasha!" She cheered her up, earning a glance from the two boys, and continued her way.

She also found Viktor ahead, and made him a signal to follow her, a confused expression on her cousin's face. When she found more dummies, she told him to attack them first, making him win more points. Shadis was watching them and taking notes of every movement.

"Paloma Allard. Very good with the 3D Maneuver Gear, but she puts the others before her. She has a good relationship with her comrades."

"Viktor Zhukov. He has great potential, but he stands more in strategy creations. Works better in team."

Since this exercise wasn't in teams, the cousins took different paths to continue. They both finished on top of the training grades, behind Mikasa and Reiner. Shadis saw that they were candidates to enter in the top ten when their last year ends.


"Okay, ready?" She held a frighting expression on her face, her cousin holding the wooden knife.

"No, remember that you're twice my size!" He started running, ignoring her, and she put herself in a defense pose. When he was in front of her, she put her hands on his chest and threw him to the other side, earning a groan from the boy.

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