B Is For 'Bakery'

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The slightly sweet aroma of baked goods was detectable in the air for blocks. It carried a warmth that felt like you inhaled a blanket on the coldest days. The bitter yet invitingly warm smell of coffee sneaks into the senses making taste buds ache for the smooth and distinct beverage. The scents were part of the rhythm of Maya's day, another anchor in a routine that soothed and gave a sense of normality and predictability.

For as long as she could remember, Maya had visited the bakery at the end of the road that her apartment sat on. The establishment was a part bakery and part coffee shop that was formerly an old fire station. It had quickly become a part of her daily routine, often being the place where she would end her early morning run. For Maya, it was where her day truly began. Pushing open the door of 'Station 19' would see her greeted with the overwhelming smell of freshly baked pastries and cakes, along with hints of a variety of coffee beans. Maya loved the comfort that the shop gave her. It would feel like she was receiving a never-ending hug whilst she waited to treat her taste buds to the most delicate croissants and the smoothest coffee she had ever known to exist.

Each morning Maya would enter through the rustic door, delighting in the familiar ring of the bell hanging above it, before she made her way to her favourite seat in the back corner. It was in the prime position so she could look out of the slightly misted window at the onlookers passing by, but she was hidden from the business of the bakery she sat in. It was the perfect place for her to get lost in whichever book she was currently reading, a place she felt safe to let herself completely rest. It had quickly become unnecessary for her to order at the counter as the staff soon learnt she would always request the same thing.

Today, she was disturbed mid-chapter when a shadow slowly made its way across her page, hiding the words from her sight. The blonde raised her head expectantly assuming she'd meet a familiar face who had her usual order in hand. But she was wrong. At that moment, the normality and predictability that Maya had come to depend on vanished into thin air. Her ocean-blue eyes travelled over the frame of a dainty figure. The customary white apron was pristinely wrapped around the small waist of a person in a cosy white sweater that was slightly baggy. Hands were littered with gold rings of all different shapes and designs accentuating slender fingers. As Maya's eyes moved further up the figure she was captivated by the brunette beauty. Her hair was swept off her face into a French plait with a few wisps framing her features. Her olive-kissed skin looked radiant under the soft lights above her and she was picture-perfect. As Maya returned the gaze of the girl before her, she couldn't help but let out a small gasp as she was met with the most welcoming chocolate orbs she'd ever seen. Reminiscent of the mountain terrains that could often only be found in nature, they reflected something subtle yet beautiful as they stared straight into Maya's soul.

"Hi, welcome to Station 19! What can I get for you?" The brunette's silk-like voice met Maya's ears, but she was too transfixed to reply. "Erm ... Excuse me? Miss?" The waitress slightly waved her hand in front of the blonde hoping to pull her out of her dream-like state.

Maya was quickly brought back to reality and could feel a blush raging across her cheeks as she cleared her throat. "S-S-Sorry. I-I-I got a l-l-little distracted there." She could feel the blush on her cheeks getting darker as she mentally cursed herself for tripping over her words so much.

The waitress let a small chuckle leave her lips as she looked down at the girl. "I can see that." A smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. "What can I get for you today?" The brunette brought her notebook and pen a little higher ready to take the girl's order.

Maya tried her hardest not to get distracted by the girl's actions. She was mesmerised by the smallest thing that she did. "Erm. C-Can I ..." Maya cleared her throat once more as she shuffled uncomfortably in her seat. She had never had anyone have this effect on her before.

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