I Is For 'Idioms'

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Idioms had always been a part of the English language that Carina could not quite wrap her head around. It had not been something she noticed too much until she started dating Maya, and she found herself being corrected on many occasions. Many assumed that the constant correction would irritate the Italian, but Carina had grown to find it wholesome. Regardless of the situation or mood in which an incorrect idiom arose, it was always bound to bring a smile to the blonde's face, and Carina loved that smile almost as much as she loved Maya herself. Carina remembered the first time she had used an incorrect idiom in front of Maya, and it was one of her most cherished memories of their time together.


Carina entered the apartment, immediately noticing how silent it was. She knew that Maya was home, and it was never silent when the blonde was around as she did not like to be left with her thoughts for too long. There would always be a TV show playing in the background or some light music floating through the air, but today there was just an eerie silence. As the brunette entered the apartment further, she clocked sight of her girlfriend on the couch, adding to her concern.

"Ciao Bambina!" Carina was careful not to startle the woman too much as she seemingly stared into space. The Italian moved to stand in the corner of Maya's eyeline hoping it would help to grab her attention. "Bella?" After a few moments of continued silence, Carina crouched down and placed her hands atop her girlfriends, which were currently sitting in her lap.

Maya blinked rapidly as she suddenly returned to herself. "Hi, Babe." She smiled at Carina whilst gently squeezing her hands. "How was your meeting?"

Carina reciprocated the smile whilst bringing their interlocked hands to her lips and pressing gentle kisses across Maya's knuckles. "It was about as good as a meeting could get." The pair shared a soft chuckle. "A dollar for your thoughts?"

"Penny." Maya chuckled.

"Huh? Who's Penny?" Carina couldn't hide the slight hint of jealousy that entered her tone.

Maya giggled loudly, much to her girlfriend's surprise. "No, Baby. It's 'a penny of your thoughts,' but it's cute you get jealous so quickly." Maya smirked at the brunette.

"I don't get jealous!" Carina feigned offence as she moved to sit on the couch. "So, a penny for your thoughts?" The Italian rested her head on Maya's shoulder who played with the rings on Carina's fingers.

"My final call on shift yesterday just got me thinking about how far we've come." The blonde's tone was barely above a whisper. "There was this really sweet couple and they'd been involved in a traffic collision. Luckily it wasn't anything too serious, but the concern they had for each other was one of the most heart-warming things I've ever seen. The husband refused to be treated until his wife was looked after, saying that he wouldn't be able to live if anything happened to her. I'd do that for you, y'know?" Maya continued speaking, her smile growing wider with each sentence.

"Whilst I'd hate for us to get into an accident of any kind, that is very sweet, Bella. I'd do the same for you too." Carina turned to press a few gentle kisses to her girlfriend's temple.

"When I met you, I could never imagine allowing myself to care for someone the way I do for you. You have made everything so much lighter and more manageable. I swear my heart beats quicker when you enter a room and your smile is my favourite thing in existence." A blush made its way across the woman's cheeks. "I can't imagine a life without you. I don't want to imagine a life without you." Maya moved to look the brunette in the eyes.

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