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Manifold and I were setting up for the party I decided to throw. Wil, Manifold, me, Nick and George were invited. I didn't invite George but Nick had him round so I wasnt gonna kick him out. 

Wil arrived first, then Nick and George. We were all in my living room with whiskey, beer and jack on the table. "Nick cmere" I said. "What?" he said as he walked over. "Why'd you bring him?" I gestured to George. "He was at my place" Nick replied. I sighed and looked over at George and Manifold talking. Wil was sat on the floor playing his guitar. Nick suddenly grabbed my shoulder and whispered "Dont start anything. Alright?" "Fine" I sighed. Manifold suddenly shouted "Wanna play spin the bottle?" and everyone agreed. "Okay Dream you go first" He said. Reluctantly, I downed a bottle of beer and spun it. It landed on... George. "Of course." I mumbled.

Something you should know- George and I despise eachother. At the start of middle school we met eachother and just thought "No I don't like this one". Ever since we have been in the same classes, except Phys Ed. I'm so much better than him at that. 

Nick burst out laughing, I sighed and George said "Fuck".  Manifold, after being in a world of his own, realised and also burst out laughing. Nick looked George in the eye seriously and said "please don't". "I'm respinning" I said. "Yeah yeah.." George said looking back at Nick. I respun the bottle and it landed on Nick. "Oh damn." he said. I leaned towards him whilst hearing George mutter "Good". "Hiya" I said to Nick. "Hey" he whispered back. I kissed him for about a millisecond and then pulled away, wiping my mouth. He gagged and wiped his mouth. "Ugh I'm not that bad at kissing" I said. "I bet you are" George laughed. "Yes, yes you are." Nick said. Manifold was dying of laughter. "Jack you okay?" George asked. "George, I'm a better kisser then your mirror at least." I taunted. Nick laughed. George glared at me. "At least I'm not a pissboy." Another thing you should know about George- he is about 5,8 and compared to me, thats mini. "At least I can reach the top shelf" I retaliated. Nick stopped me before we could argue anymore. "Nick spin the bottle" I said. He spun it and it landed on Wil. He leaned towards him and kissed him. I don't exactly know what happened but Wil used his tongue I think. Nick backed away in horror and Wil spun the bottle. It landed on George. They kissed. I raised my eyebrow and stared at them. Whilst they were kissing, I saw George looking at me. What a little brat. He gagged and shouted "Don't kiss me with your damn tongue" at Wil. I burst out laughing and Nick said "Now you know how it feels.". "George, isn't that better than your mirror?" I asked. He flipped me off and spun the bottle. It landed on me. "I'm respinning" I heard. Manifold said "No respins this time." 

So that was it. I was stuck kissing George Davidson, the boy I'd hated for so long. The bratty boy who I.. hated? What if he didn't hate me back? Why was he looking at me whilst kissing someone else? So many questions flooded my brain until I got interrupted. George tilted his head slightly "You good Dream?". "Just kiss him already!" Manifold practically shouted. George sighed then crawled over to me. He leaned down and kissed me for a few seconds. After pulling away he gagged. I could feel my cheeks go red. "I- uh.. yo-" I managed to say. He crawled back over to where he was sitting and looked at me in shock. Everyone else was laughing or just singing in Wils case. I spun the bottle and it landed on Wil. "Wil get your ass over here" I said. He quickly walked over and sat in my lap. I looked at him in confusion but then kissed him. I kept imagining it was George. Fuck. Did I like him? AHHH no thanks. Wil pulled away and went back over to where his seat was. I could see George glaring at him. Did he like me back? No- no there is no "back". I don't like him. I could briefly see Manifold and Wil kissing through zoning out, looking at the wall. "Wanna play 7 minutes in heaven?" I asked. Everyone agreed. Manifold spun the bottle and took Wil to the closet. Everyone outside the closet could hear.. sounds. The timer thankfully went off and they came out. It was my turn. I spun it and of course, George had to come with me. I whined and he shouted "No!" everyone laughed and eventually we had to go. 

The closet was really small and George decided to bring his skateboard. "touch me and I'm ramming the skateboard into your chest." He threatened. "I wasn't planning on it," I responded "and youre the one who kissed me earlier." "And your the one who got red" "From embarrassment" He smirked. "Sure". Manifold shouted at us to make out and I went red again. I decided to do the best thing in that situation and fake moaned.. loudly. I looked at George with pure embarrassment. He was.. blushing? "Now whos red?" I taunted then smirked. He kicked me in the nuts. "Fuck off" He mumbled. I doubled over in pain and grunted "Fuck you George." "You wish." I stood up again and smiled at him. "You're so short" I said. He kicked me again. "it's the last two minutes." "good" he said. "Try not to kick me?" I pleaded. "fine." I did the most reckless thing and kissed him. He kissed me back? "gay fuck" I mumbled.  He was red and fake moaned so it wasn't suspicious. The timer went off and we both ran out and sat back down. 

My hot enemy (dnf haters to lovers story :])Where stories live. Discover now