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"Do we really have to do this? I don't mind having a small party with just us like we always do" I say to my Dad as I watch him pump air into balloons and then swallow them-- not the balloons, the air in the balloons.

"This will be just us too - and a few neighbours and your friends. The more the merrier" he replied in a squeaky hellium voice. As a 7 year old, that was the most exciting thing to witness so I laughed all the 23 times he had done it today.

"You mean Sharon's friends? I don't have friends"

"That's not true, I've seen you play with Andrew"

"That doesn't mean he's my friend. The boy still calls me Mr. Norman's child"

"is that a bad thing?" my Dad asked causing me to roll my eyes.

For a seven year old, I was quite well spoken. Everyone used to tell me that. And maybe that's why I barely had friends my age.

"trust me, this is going to be one of your most memorable birthdays."

"if you say so"

Mom had gone out that morning to get my birthday cake and Sharon had followed because she didn't want to help me with the decorations.

Dad and I were alone cutting out ribbons and pumping air into balloons when he had a call and had to go out. Despite the loud music blaring over speakers in every corner of the room, it still felt quiet sitting there all alone so I went out to look for Dad but he was nowhere to be found.

Few minutes later and still no word from anyone. Not Dad, not Mom nor Sharon. I was getting scared but I didn't want to step out of the house, just in case any of them returned.

There is no need to worry, Mom and Dad are adults, nothing has happened to them. I thought as I curled up in our livingroom's couch.

Soon it was two o'clock and guests had started to arrive.

"Oh, they're going to get the cake, they'll be back soon." I answered trying not to look worried.

About 30 more minutes passed and I hated how everyone kept bombarding me with questions about my parents' whereabout.

"Dad just called me, he said he is on his way" That was a lie

"I dont know where they went for the cake. Maybe Dolly's bakery far downtown, their cake was the best afterall" But I was worried.

Then it was three o'clock and the room was filled with neighbourhood kids and they're parents, most of which had realised something was wrong.

I stepped out of the living room to the balcony for some space.

"Hey Mr. Norman's Child" I looked up and it was Andrew, Of course.

"It's Jade" I replied.

"I know"

"then stop calling me that" I snapped at the little boy who just wanted to hold a conversation with me.

"Hey" one of Sharon's friends approached me too. I've seen her around a number of times but we've never spoken.

"Where did you get that?" She pointed to the tiara on my head.

"My mum"

"Your mum?"

"Yh" if it wasn't obvious, I was getting pissed.

"But you don't have a mum" she said. I stared blankly at her wondering where she was going with that.

"Sharon said you don't have a mum or a dad." She added

"is it true that you're adopted?"

"it's not true"

"but Sharon said that's why we shouldn't play with you"

"Sharon is a liar, I'm not adopted" I snapped at her too but she didn't seem to budge.

"Sabrina leave her alone" Andrew defended.

"I just want to know. Sharon said that's why she looks different. Okay if you're not adopted, then why is your skin colour different. Your hair is not like Sharon's own either and you have blue eyes."

I knew that too. I knew I looked different from everyone in my family considering they were all dark skinned and I was the only light skinned but that doesn't mean I'm adopted. And I'm sure of that because Dad said I looked like grandma Sandra who was mixed.

Half black and Half White.

"Can you leave? I don't want to talk to you anymore"

"You're rude" she whined. "I don't even know why Luke likes you" she added before walking away leaving me alone with Andrew.

"Your eyes are pretty and I don't think you are rude" he said and for a minute, I forgot about my family and everything that was going on and smiled.

"Testing mic... okay good. Good afternoon everyone." Mr Jay greeted drawing the attention of the room.

"Thank you for making it to Jade's birthday party. Jade! Where is the birthday girl?"

I went back into the living room.

"Yes here she is"

I was dragged upstage and despite my refusal to celebrate without my parents, Mr Jay told me not to worry and just blow the candle after they sang for me.

Immediately everyone had gone back to eating and drinking, Mr Jay dragged me out.

"We're going to the hospital"

I couldn't say much because I had no idea what was going on. I just stared out in the window and watched passing vehicles and buildings we passed.

Suddenly there was a loud explosion some meters behind us.

And then the car two miles away exploded. Followed by the one beside it and the the one after.

"shit" I heard Mr Jay mutter and before I knew it, we were driving like we were in Fast and Furious.

"Jade go down, don't let anyone outside see you okay?"



My eyes suddenly snapped open to commotion all around me.

Did I get dragged into my dream this time?

"Jade, get up! Let's go"


I didn't get enough time to process what was going on before I felt myself being dragged out of the nurse's office into the crowded hallways.

Everyone was running.

"Ruby what's going on?"

"We're all going to die!!"

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