Chapter 2: Freeze

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There was a time I ran for my life like this.

It was about a year ago. My then boyfriend had thrown this party and as his girlfriend, of course I was there.

"Nate, I want this to end" I remember saying to him once I was able to pull him away from his loud drunk friends.

"What do mean?"

"I mean, I need a break" He was quiet for a moment or maybe he didn't hear me.

"why?" he finally asked sitting up. "Is it because I yelled at you the last time? I told you I was sorry." He came closer and I shifted uncomfortably.

If it wasn't obvious, I was scared of him at that moment. Why? Because he had anger issues and I was afraid that he would lose it in any minute but to my surprise, he didn't. Instead he shifted closer to me again and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Talk to me Babe. Did I do something wrong?"

"It's just... you are different" I managed to mutter. "I feel like I don't really know you anymore. I mean, look at you now Nate, you are drunk"

"Jade, what are you saying? I'm the same. And you know this is a one time thing. We decided to let lose today have you forgotten" He came closer again. At this point, it was getting really uncomfortable and suspicious especially when he reached out to try and pull me in for a kiss so I immediately jerked up from my seat.

"I'm going home. Aunt Milly must be worried"

I almost made it to the door. I was this close but he suddenly slammed it in my face and leaned on it.

"What are you doing. Open that door right now"

He let out a sigh scratching through his hair vigourously. Something he did whenever he was bothered.

"Babe, why are you like this all of a sudden. Let's talk it out okay?"

" I don't want to talk to you right now"

"And I understand. I'm drunk. Okay not today, tomorrow. We'll work this out like we always do and things will be back to normal"

"I'm so sick and tired of that. I want to end--"


If he hadn't noticed, I was literally shaking. I could see my hands trembling and a whimper almost escaped my lips.

"Nate, calm down"


"Get out of my way"

"sit back down"


"I said SIT BACK DOWN!!"

Everything after that happened so fast. The next thing I knew, we were struggling by the door and then he threw me unto the bed. And before I knew it, he was tearing my clothes off my body.

I've always known deep down when he said he was fine with us waiting, he was always lying. I should have taken that as a sign especially when I caught he and his friends talking about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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