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Jack Gilinsky

Does she know? how does she know?! I punched the lockers, She can't possibly know, she cant know that! What right does she have to say that the way i act isnt the real me?! I kept punching the lockers, until Jack came over, "Whats wrong bro?" he asked with a concerened face. "Nothing..." i said back, "Well it clearly aint nothing if you just broke the locker" he said chuckling slightly to lighten the mood.

"well its faith, she just yelled at me saying that I don't know her so i shouldnt beat her" i replied, "Why do we have to do this Jack?" he said, "Because" i said, "Because why?" he asked again, i was getting a bit pissed, "Just saying because isnt a reason bro!" i got really pissed. "JUST BECAUSE I SAID SO!" i yelled angrly and walked away... The real reason is, its because she cant know...she can't know....she cant know that im her brother....

Yes everyone, she is not Faith Lockharte, she is Faith Gilinsky....and i refused to accept it....

Jack Johnson

After jack ran off, i decided to go get food, since it was lunch. I still really feel bad dor faith, but sometimes idk what to feel. I know i know, if i feel bad i should stop this, but i just i dont know. I just have an odd feeling about her. Shes just... i dont know... its just weird. I can't decipher my feelings, as i finished getting food i saw faith in the corner of the room, she was just by herself, i felt really bad, but life is life.


As usual, lunch time came around, and as usual i sat in my little corner and ate lunch since all the tables are always taken and our cafeteria is indoors. I just usually sit in the corner of the room and read until lunch is over, no i dont do the cliche and sit in the bathroom, or at a lunch table by myself, or in the class room. I sit in a corner like a lonely person i am.

what is it like to be popular? what is it like to be liked by many? what is it liked to be loved? what is it like to be human? what is it like to be just a normal teenager? its hard to know what normal is anymore... what is normal? I just dont know what to do with my so called life anymore? its just hell. Life is meaningless to me now. Since nothing will ever change the way everyone thinks about me. Im going to die without any meaning to my life,

nothing to look back on. nothing, i had nothing to live for, i woke up everyday for nothing. I cant do this. I cant have a meaningless life, if i do, then why live at all? living is just something i do to put myself through torture, torture of having nothing, i have dont have a heart to give to the one i love because it has been smashed, torn apart, broken, and shattered to the point where my heart is like sand, tiny tiny grains.

Earth has many layers, all different types, the closer it gets to the core the hotter and more dense it is. Thats like the walls i put around myself, i put dense metal walls around my heart to protect it from getting even more broken, but thats too late... nothing. Nothing is going to shatter my heart anymore, not with the emotionless being. I have no more emotions to show....

Because they all vanished, i am in so much pain that all my emotions have disappeared from my body, becuase of everything i have became acustomed to i dont need any emotions. The bell rings and lunch is finally over, and i get to my next class, i have Nash in. He was the devil with the face of an angel, yes i he looks good, but i would never admit it out loud.

"Little bitch" he said to me and slammed my head on my desk really harshly. i bit my lip from any noise to come out of my mouth, "Fucking die whore" he said, and pulled my out of my desk and onto the floor, i held my head so i dont get too bad of a concussion, he kicked my head multiple times, and i soon blacked out...

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