*Spoiler Alert*

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I'm sure a lot of you guys are confused on what is happening to Faith so I'm going to tell you guys the idea I'm going with this trilogy but if you don't want me to ruin it for you then ignore this update

So in this trilogy Faith actually wakes up from a "Dream" of being friends with all of the guys but really it was just a peak at what is actually going on, so my bullying story may not be similar to any other ones you may have read, but in here Faith has Schizophrenia

All of that bullying is apart of her imaginations but in reality all of them are her friends and try to help her through it and yes Jack Gilinsky is her brother, her "dream" family is all made up, so Tony isn't real and her last name isn't really Lockharte

But her childhood with the boys are true, she used to be a normal kid until she was diagnosed with it when she was a little older, but her schizophrenia got so bad that she ended up killing mystery man aka Matt

So you guys now know what's going on and I hope you guys enjoy my story, I'm really sorry for all the slow updates, I have been really lazy with typing. I love you guys and thank you for all your support on this trilogy and I hope you guys have a happy new year :)

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