Ch 18-If That Happens To Be My Boobs, So Be It

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"Oh don't play coy with me missy" Kyle says as we start walking back.

"Coy?" I ask with an innocent smile.

"Coy. Damn it Roxy, I thought we wouldn't do this" Kyle says, running a hand through his gorgeous black hair. Suddenly, I'm angry. He has no right to act like he didn't just walk into my life and throw me off balance.

"Oh I'm sorry. Just because you've managed to weasel your way into my life doesn't mean you get to know everything about it" i hiss at him and stomp off into the direction of the gym. I yank the door open, and I find it completely deserted. I yank off my T-shirt, leaving me only in a sports bra. I rip off my pants to reveal the Spandex underneath. I grab the bland white tape off of the counter, and wrap my hands.

I use my card to enter the little boxing room they have, and I'm surprised to see Brownie Boy there. He doesn't notice me at first, as he's engulfed in his music. I grab the provided, cheap headphones from a bin, and plug my phone in. I look down at myself and mentally groan. I have no place to put my phone.

Sneaking a glance at Brownie Boy, who still hasn't seen me, I quickly shove the phone in my bra.

Hey, I am making use out of what was given to me. If that happens to be my boobs, so be it. Brownie Boy glances over, finally, and does a double take when he sees me. He smiles, though, and takes out his ear bud.

"Hello birthday girl, what are you doing here" He asks in the inhumanly gorgeous voice. It reminds me of Kyle, and how I may have been a bitch to him, but I push him out of my head. Why think about him now?

"What does it look like Brownie Boy? I'm boxing." I smirk. He frowns slightly.

"I thought girls don't box?'

Anger pulses through my veins and I narrow my eyes at him, "say that again, you sexist pig. I dare you."

His eyes glisten with a challenge. "I don't think you can box. You just came in here to watch my bod sweat and glisten" As he says 'bod' I automatically look down at his abdomen. His six pack does glisten beautifully, but that doesn't matter. I have a six pack too.

"Your so on." I get up close and personal with him. He smirks at me. Well, more like he smirks at my lips.

"Lets do this then."

I nod and back away from him. I unhook the punching bag and haul it off to the corner, throwing my phone along with it. We line up in the center, and are about to start, when the door opens. I glance over and I'm surprised to see Kyle standing there, surprised.

"Nice timing bruh, you can be our judge" I grunt.

"Damn kid, what did you do in the five minutes I left her alone to realize I was a douche?" Kyle asks Brownie Boy.

"He insinuated that girls can't box" I reply for Brownie Boy. Kyle sharply sucks in a breath of air.

"You, sir, are in for a very rude awakening" Kyle mutters and Brownie Boy just snorts.

"Are you going to keep stalling or are we actually going to fight?' Brownie Boy asks. Kyle rolls his eyes and walks to where we are standing.

"Ready...set...FIGHT!" Kyle yells, and BB(shortened version of Brownie Boy) and I get into the usual dance. BB narrows his eyes at me, obviously waiting for me to make the first move. Yeah, right. If he thinks I can't dance like this all night, waiting, then he is in for a whole night of rude awakenings. I do cardio for a reason. After about a minute of him getting more impatient, and me just smiling, he finally makes the first move.

He feints a punch, but sweeps his leg underneath me. Ha. Like that is going to get me. I easily step back, and he gets angrier. He makes a sloppy jab at my ribs, which I side step. So that's what his weakness is. He lets his emotions get to him. All good fighters know that in a fight, your feelings are your worst enemy.

He goes for my head, and I decide to end this. I grab his fist, and bring him close to me, close enough to knee his stomach. He doubles over, and I kick his butt(literally. Well, I guess I'm also beating him really badly. So both literally and figuratively). He sprawls forwards but get back up. I round house kick his golden spot and bring my fist to his face. He falls, one hand protecting his baby maker, the other protecting his charmer. He doesn't get back up.

"That right there, is why you are wrong, you fucking disgusting sexist pig." I spit at him. He flips me off, and in that moment, he stupidly left the crotch area un guarded. My foot made contact, and even though he could only groan, I could practically hear the string of insults following my action.

The thought made me laugh. I smile and link arms with Kyle, who's too busy laughing his ass off to care that we are acting all couply.

"That...was...priceless!' Kyle finally managed to get out.

"I know. That's what I love about being a girl fighter. Every one underestimates me, until they see me box. Then they know they've been damned to the seventh circle of hell" I say proudly.

Kyle smiles at me, the corner of his eyes crinkling. Its a nice moment, the silence and understanding.

And obviously, being Kyle, he has to ruin it.

"Being in the seventh circle of hell wouldn't be to bad. Knowing all the things you've done, you would be there too, and its hell. Its hot. That means no shirts" Kyle says, waggling his eyebrow. I laugh and shove him, racing him towards our room.

A/N: VASSSUPPPPPPPPP MUH HOMIES LOLZ okay okay i legit just wrote this in like 25 minutes and I'm proud of it SO DON'T JUDGE ME. GOSH. RUDE. hahaha jkjkjk you know i love you.


yes you.

i can feel your presence (CREEPY STARE)

lol i love you guys so much.

question--where are all of my readers from????? I live in San Antonio, Texas :D wbu?

love yall!





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