Chapter 17

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"Ok guys so there's this cool new app I saw on the news this morning," Kian stated as I sat down with my tray at our lunch table.

I sat in between Connor and Nicole. Kian, Sam and Trevor across from us.

"Yeah I saw it too its called like um You... You something?" Connor added.

"Yeah it's umm..." kian said thinking out loud, "YouTube!" He snapped.

"Yeah it sounded pretty cool."

"What is it?" I asked.

Kian looked at me and started to explain. "Ok so basically it's like another social media place, but it's only for videos. Since it's not very big yet pretty much only celebrities are using it to post their music videos and such. But I think it might be a cool idea to like have all of us try it out and like you know make videos for other people to watch."

"Like make an entertainment channel." Connor said.


"We kinda talked it over last period." Connor said nodding toward kian.

"Well it sounds pretty interesting." Nicole spoke.

"Yeah" Trevor nodded.

"Kian do you want to get together then after school?" Sam asked a bit randomly.

He nodded "yeah sure let me text my mom."

He pulled out his flip phone.
"Nudge me if any teachers are coming,"

"K" Trevor responded.


After school me, Troye, and Tyler all ended up at Connors house.

"Mom were going to be in my room okay" Connor told his mom as we asended the stairs.

We passed Nicola and Brandon in the hall way and breifly greeted them.

I sat on the bed climbing behing Troye and Tyler so id be able to see the what Connor was doing on his laptop.

He opened google and typed in 'YouTube'.

As the seach engine popped up the results he clicked on the first one. The app opened.

"So this is it?" Troye asked as Tyler pulled the laptop onto his lap and browsed through the new website.

"Yeppo" Connor responded.

Tyler handed the laptop back to Connor and he created an account.

2 hours, 184 youtube videos later (ones we watched not made):

"I'm hungry." Tyler said as his stomach growled.

Troye giggled,"me too."

"Then let's go see what my mom made for dinner." Connor announced as he stood up and placed his laptop on his bedside table.

As we approached the kitchen I smelled something good.

"Yum." I spoke.

"Oh yum indeed." Tyler delivered, causing me to laugh.

I took a seat in between Connor and Dustin at the large table and Mrs. Franta handed me my plate of food.

"Thank you." I told her.

The plate contained mashed potatoes, some zucchini and broccoli that was stuffed inside a red pepper, and a piece of chicken that had a nice looking sause drizzed over it.


I cleared my plate of everything but a few chunks of mash potatoes and the red pepper.

I forgot how much I loved mrs. Franta's cooking.

Connor looked over at me and chewing a mouthful of chicken said,"Wow you were hungry."

It did sound more like "wawh you werf hungreif" but I know how to translate Connors 'table language' as he does speak with his mouthful quite a bit.

I nodded in response smiling.


A bit later we all decided to go into town.

I grabbed my black jacket from the front room and walked out the front door behind Connor, Troye, and Tyler.

Since the town its pretty far, we decided on driving.

"Here." Connor told me as he handed me my keys.

"Wait I'm driving?" i said confused.

"Well I haven't passed my test yet," he paused to look behind him at Troye and Tyler,"Tyler hasn't passed his either, and Troye... Well hes used to driving on the other side of the road sooo i don't think letting him drive is the best idea." he giggled.

I laughed. "Okay but how'd you even get my eyes?"

Connor sighed. "Remember you let me drive here to practice."


What? Its not my fault my brain clears about everything every five minutes. I'm just naturally blonde. Well actually I'm naturally a brunette, but yeah you get the point. Im eternally blonde.


I unlocked the doors and stepped out. The rest of the group rounded next to me and we started to make our way into the mall.

We went into the front entrance which led to the food court.

"Oooh" Tyler exclaimed pointing toward sweet frog.

"Ty, we just ate dinner." Troye told him.

I wiggled my eyebrows at him, wondering about the nickname.

"But its soo goooood." He whined.

"Yeah it is'' i added.

"Then lets gets some!" Connor said as we started to make our way towards the area.

I grabbed the small bowl, and looked through the flavors

"ooh cookie dough" i said to myself.

"its a good flavor isn't it." an unframiliar voice said from behind me.

I jumped a bit as I wasn't aware anyone was near me.


"Uh yeah um," he strached the back of his neck."I was -uh just in the mall and I uh I,"

he took a deep breath and stood up strait.

"Um would you like to go out sometime?"

I blushed. I blushed so hard.

But then I realized something. "What about Nicole?"

He sighed, "we broke up about two weeks ago, thats why we kinda haven't been sitting or talking to each other, if you've noticed, i know you've been absent a lot lately."

"Well in that case" i smiled, "I'd love to."

He grinned like an idiot.

"oh oh um ok so uh.. Friday?"

"I'll see you then."

i then proceeded to get my ice cream.

I paid for it then sat down with the boys.

I looked down at my ice cream covered with gummy worms and caramel, and smiled.

I have a date this friday.

I'm going out with Kian.

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