Chapter 11

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*Bethany's P.O.V.*

"OMG are you listening to 5sause??" He said slapping both his hands down on the desk.

Haha does this cutie like them?? If he does then I'm totally going for him.

"Yeah! Do u like them?" I ask smiling since I know 5sos.

"Are you kidding me?" He asks,"I love them!" He says using hand motions when he says the word 'love'.

I'm guessing he doesn't have any class with them, which means he probably doesn't even know they go to this school now.

But he literally is so adorable.

He has short brown hair spiked up into a tiny quiff, and freckles scattered across his cheeks. above them, are his beautiful blue-green eyes.

He wore white skinny jeans with a plain black tshirt and converse.

"Well," i said leaning in towards him. "I just happen to know them."

His eyes got wide and his teeth turned into a huge smile. "Really?"

I nodded smiling at how cute it was since he was so excited.

"They actually go to this school. Would you like to meet them?" I asked him.

He jumped up and nodded while shouting yes.

I love this guy omg. What is his name?

"Okay then." I said,"but what is your name?"

He stopped jumping.

"Trevor. Trevor moran pleasure to meet you, slayed the charts for a few years. Could probably afford to buy you as a slave." Trevor said while shaking my hand. "And you?"

"Bethany Chestifer." I said. Don't even ask me about my last name i have no idea.

"Okay so im going to ask to go to the bathroom, then a few seconds after you ask to go. Then I'll text 5sos and tell them to go to the bathroom. Your welcome." I said explaining the plan.

Trevor nodded.

I went up to mrs. Kiddan's desk.

"May i go to the bathroom please?"

"Sure" she told me.

I winked at trevor as i walked outside the door and stood there waiting for him.

About 10 seconds later he came out the door.

Then we walked to the bathroom, not really talking.

But it wasn't awkward so.

We got the bathroom and stood by the drinking fountain as i pulled out my phone.

I made a grouo convo of 5sos and sent a them a text saying to come to the bathroom as i have a surprise.

We waited for about 3 minutes, then someone showed up.

We looked up from our phones hearing footsteps.

"A-" i started but then was interrupted.

"ASHTON" trevor screamed.

Then he ran to introduce him self and probably get a pic idk.

I giggled then walked up to the two of them.

"So ash how was your date with Zoey?" I asked him smirking.

"It was really great," he smiled,"but I'm sure you already know everything."

I giggled. "pretty much, yep."

He laughed as luke and micheal showed up behind him.

"Hey!" Luke said walking a bit faster to reach me. When he did he embraced me in a tight hug.

Woah wasn't expecting that.

Guys never hug me.

Or like me.


Trevor caughed and we pulled away.

Oh we were still hugging?


Does it seem hot in here to you too?

Oh my god he smelled so good!

Micheal came and hugged me too, awe teddy bear.

"Um this is Trevor" i said gesturing to him.

He ran to them and did all the stuff he did with Ashton.

I guess Calum couldn't make it.

Oh well he still got to meet three out of four.

We all stayed and chatted the bathroom for about two more minutes. But then we didn't want the teachers to get suspicious so we all left.

Me and Trevor made sure to come back a few minutes apart so when it seem like we were hanging out together.

We came back to loud room of people talking.

This hour is going by wayyyy too slow.


I sat down next to Trev and we just talked about ourselves to get to know each other better.

soon, the period was over and it was time for CHOIIIRRR yessss!

apparently trevor does choir too, so we walked there together.

We walked through the choir doors as i held them open.

I spotted Zoey. I grabbed Trevors hand saying "c'mon!" and led him to Zoey.

"ZOEY!" i screamed then hugged her.

"who is this?" She asked me pointing at Trevor.

"Im Trevor, nice to meet you." he said then hugged her.

i felt my back musclues tense up.

woah wait what?


hey guys so i got a new laptop for christmas so i dont have to write on my iPod anymore! this means there will be much less mistakes (hopefully).

any way sorry this chapter is really short and kinda boring but thank you all SOO MUCH for 300 reads!!

just two chapters ago i was fangirling over gettting 100! this is crazy!

I love y'all so much bye my duckys!



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