Chapter 10

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My father called me into his room the next day after we found out Calli lost her memory. I walked in there calmly and sat on the couch. "I see you guys like keeping secrets" he said. "What are you talking about?" "So Calli lost her memory?" I knew this wasn't good. My father found out and I didn't know how but I knew it wasn't good. I stayed silent while a big smile grew on his face. "Why aren't you happy son! This is great. " I'm sorry but I don't see the good in the fact that someone don't remember who they are, or anything in that case" " Munro it means that it'll be easier to turn her into us if we make her believe that this is who she is. Bring her here" I said no words to him and went to look for her. I found her watching her parents on the news and I sat next to her. "What are you watching?" I asked. "This couple lost their daughter. It's sad and the mother's pregnant" I wanted to tell her so bad that she was that missing girl but those aren't the words that came out my mouth. "Come with me" she followed as I took her to my fathers room and we both sat on the couch. "Hi Calli. Are you starting to remember anything thing?" My father asked Calli. "I believe that I remember this place but other than that I don't remember much" she responded. "This is your house. You were trained to be an international spy to help me save those in trouble" I laughed at his comment until he gave me a stern look. "I'm a spy?" "Yes and you were amazing until you lost your memory. You will need to go through training again." She nodded in agreement and I couldn't believe that she was really believing this. "You may leave. I told Derric to help you begin" she left quietly. "Are you crazy?! This is the worst idea. Her amnesia isn't permanent" I said angrily. "Oh because Michael said so. He might be smart but he's not a genius. I didn't see his doctorate degree. I can make it permanent. He said. "Not if I can help it" "If you screw this plan up then I will kill you. You might be my son but your just another human being to me that I'm not afraid to kill. Don't test me" his words didn't scare me. I knew he could kill me and I know he would but I've heard him say that so many times that it didn't phase me anymore. I walked to my room and locked myself in it. I proceed to my plans to get out of here but they need to be changed. The first thing I needed to do was to turn Calli back to herself but that'll be hard. I can't start right away. She grew an instant trust towards my father. I'll have to break her trust towards him without breaking his trust towards me. My new plan needed to be told to the other 3 so we're all on the same page. I called them into my room and explained the change of plans. "What if Jimmie catches on? We need a plan B" Michael said. "Plan B will be for us to apologize and stay on my father's good side. Everything will crash if he finds that we're betraying him" I said. Derric was very quiet during our meeting today. "Derric are you ok?" Sierra asked. "Oh yeah! Just processing the change. Making sure I know everything" he said. No one said anything else about his change of character. We figured he was telling the truth. "Try to first remind Calli how loving and caring she is before my father turns her into the exact opposite. Don't tell her she's kidnapped, play along with my father's story of why she's here. I want to tell her when it's time." Everyone agreed and immediately started on the plan. I began to feel that something will go wrong in our plan but we had to use what we got. We had to try.

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