Chapter 16

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We had finally arrived at Gregory's house around 10:45pm the next day. Michael didn't come with us, he stayed at the hide out because that's where his computer is. His house was big, but very transparent considering the fact it was mostly glass. This was going to be hard now that we know our black, leather clothing was going to make us stand out more than disguise us. We took a glance at each other before searching for any open doors or windows. Me and Munro attached our grappling hooks to the roof so we could check the windows that were higher up. There wasn't any lights on in his house which scared me more. How will we see him coming? We didn't find any open windows by the time we got to the roof, but we did find an open sun roof. "There's an opening on the roof." Munro said into his mic. "Be there in a sec" Derric responded. Me and Munro made our way in and waited for Derric and Sierra. "How are you?" Munro asked me. "Not to sound rude, but we have to stay focused" I said as Derric and Sierra dropped down beside us. "I hacked into his security cam system. He's up in his office. This should be easy." Michael said through the mic. He was right, this should be easy. "You two stay here. I know you can handle it Sierra, but Calli can't. Stay with her." Derric said. "I can handle it. Anyway, who made you leader" I responded. "This is not the time to argue. Let's do this and we're out. By the way Derric has a point" Munro said. I rolled my eyes as Derric quickly kissed Sierra and the boys were gone. We stood in a dark room with the moonlight coming from the sun roof being our only light. I thought about Derric's comment and it angered me. I refuse to stay in this room, so I walked out. "Calli what are you doing?" Sierra asked as she followed. "Michael's right, this is too easy. Which is hard to believe. We have to follow them" I said. Me and Sierra made our way to the room Michael said he'd be at, but no one was here. "Just what I thought. He was up to something. He knew we were coming" I said and then I heard clapping. "Oh you're so smart. See Jimmie was right to take you, you're such a great help, but a sweet girl." The lights came on and I saw the boys tied up in a chair. They are trained for this. How did he get them tied up so fast? Gregory walked to me and tried to caress my face, but I would block it every time. When he got sick of me stopping him, he shot at Munro. "I know you and him have a thing for each other. I will shoot him" he said to me. Sierra held her gun up at Gregory and almost shot him, but then noticed his gun was pointing to Derric. "That goes for you too missy. Put your gun down" he said. As he watched Sierra slowly put her gun down, I kicked his gun out of his hand and slammed his head against the wall. While he was down Sierra took her gun and shot him in the head. Sierra immediately went to untie the boys as I stood and watched the blood pour from his lifeless body. Everyone stood beside me and looked at him. "One down, two more to go" Derric said. Something didn't feel right. How did Gregory know we were coming? 
We left his body there and walked to our car. No one lives around here and I'm pretty sure no one knows this place exits except for Jimmie. No worries in being caught by the police, they'd be on our side anyway. "Sorry for underestimating you Calli" Derric said while we headed home. I didn't respond, just smiled. "Are you ok? I mean you just helped killed someone" Munro asked. "I'm fine" I said. I was really fine. I felt more relieved to know that there will be one less person coming after me and my family when I get home. Everyone was more relieved.

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