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Will was running through the forest, moving tree branches, tripping on rocks, rolling down hills, but all the mattered was getting away from Mason.

He wasn't watching where he was going, so he smacked his head on a tree branch, a big one to be exact, and fell to the ground, tumbling down a hill. He lay there in pain, silent tears rolling down his face. He was scared, hurt.

He felt himself slipping away from reality and falling unconscious. He fought to stay conscious, fought to get up, fought to run, but he just fell again. That's when he realized his foot was twisted in many ways. He let out a cry of pain.

He knows the consequences of running away, but he didn't want to be there anymore. He hears twigs snapping, and getting close to him. He was doomed. He heard a faint voice, but he fell unconscious before he could make out who or what the person said.

"Oh Will, why must you always do this? Haven't you learned?" Mason said, but Will didn't hear. Mason picked Will up bridal style and carried him to the house. He walked to his bedroom and put Will down. He sat in the chair in the corner and took out his book. He put it on the table and read, waiting for Will to wake up.

Will's POV

I wake up in a bed, not my own. I rub my eyes, letting the adjust to the dim light in the room. I sat up, not knowing where I was. I blink, then realize that I'm not in the woods. But, in Mason's room.

I start to panic, he found me. What was he going to do? What is he going to say? What kind of pain will I go through? My thoughts were interrupted by a book slamming shut.

"I see you awake." I turn and see Mason, getting up from the chair in the corner and walking closer. I scurry backwards, but I slip off the bed. Something caught me, not a person, but magic. I was then on the bed again. Mason used his magic. But why? Why didn't he let me fall?

My thoughts were interrupted again. "Why must you always run, even when I tell you to not?" He asks calmly, sitting next to me on the bed. I was shaking a lot now. "I-I um I-" I couldn't get any words out. I was a trembling mess.

"W- what are you g-going to d-do to me?" I ask trembling. He shakes his head. "It seems you have been through enough pain to not do that again." He says, pointing at my messed up foot and all the scratches I have.

"S-so you are saying that y-you won't p-punish me?" I ask, still shaking. He shakes his head. "But if you do that again, I might have to." He adds. I nod.

He reaches his hand out, I flinch. But instead of hurting me, he pats me on the head. I look at him in confusion, but I relax, enjoying the feeling of being pet. (I mean who wouldn't?)

"I-I won't do that again." I say. I don't know if that's true or not, but I don't want any further harm. "Promise?" He asks. I nod. "Good, now get changed. You got your suit all dirtied up. You need a shower too." He says. I nod.

I was about to get up when he pulled me back down. "Uh-uh. You can't walk with your foot like that. It looks like you twisted it in at least 3 different ways. How did you manage?" He asks. I shrug.

He grabs some bandages and wraps my foot up. He then goes into the bathroom and turns on the water in the tub. He walks back out and picks me up, carrying me to the bathroom.

"Once you're done, call for me." He says before leaving. I struggle to get my clothes off and into the tub. After I'm finished, I struggle to get my clothes on. "What is taking so long in there?" I hear Mason ask. "Just a second!" I shout.

I continue to struggle for a good minute or so before Mason walks in. "That's it, I'm not waiting." He says impatiently. My face turns a bright red. I wasn't completely dressed, I was still struggling to put my pants on.

Mason storms over to me and helps me get dressed. He then picks me up and he carrys me to the bedroom. He sets me onto the bed and stands up straight. "You took so long. I was waiting for at least half an hour, you know." He says. "Stay here, don't do anything. I have to do something." He says. I nod.

I watch him leave, and as soon as he closes the door, I smile wickedly.

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