[3] After, came my 16th...

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Storms took over this particular day at Sakura High School.

Shizu was in the library, where his friend, Mitsuru would usually volunteer and thus was granted access even when the library was closed. The two were studying, or at least Mitsuru was. Shizu, however, was texting Yuna.

Mitsuru noticed this and spoke up, ''You're not supposed to text in a library, y'know.'', as Shizu jumped at the sudden lack of silence, replying, ''Oh, Sorry! I'll ask Yuna to meet us in here then.'' Shizu smiled as Mitsuru facepalmed at the loophole.

The library door opened as Yuna was seen waving goodbye to a blue-haired friend of hers. She then walked over to the boys' table and sat with them. ''So, why did you want me to come all the way here again?'', ''Because we're not allowed to text in the library and I wanna ask you more about your pageant life!'' Shizu put his hands together in a pleading motion as Mitsuru's left eyebrow began to raise itself. ''Pageant life?'' Mitsuru asked. Shizu ignored Mitsuru's question and then requested, ''I've done some research and I've seen a lot of crazy contestants! Were there any crazy people in your time pageanting?'', Mitsuru was surprisingly interested as he put his book down and listened to Yuna tell them the tale.

~Three Years Ago~

Yumeko Shiomi was arguing with another pageant mother. It was, for some reason, about hair and Yumeko denied Yuna's hair being unnaturally pink. Was it actually natural? Even to this day, nobody knows.

''Excuse you, Karen! My Yuna's hair is gorgeous! Unlike your crusty hairline.'' Yumeko exclaimed proudly, as Yuna sighed and sat in the corner. The woman her mother was arguing with replied, ''You're such a hag! Did you misplace your shopping bags? Because they're under your eyes.'' and Yumeko snapped back, ''You smell like a dead rat. Honestly, anyone who's ever loved you was wrong.''. The lady growled and started raising her voice, ''Oh, Don't be such a pencil-sharpener! Your hair looks like a chopped salad for god's sake!'' and Yumeko also raised her voice, almost screaming out the words, ''Trust me, God can't help your hair. It's an absolute lost cause, just like your daughter!'', ''Oh please, God didn't give that girl pink hair! It's fake, just like your plastic ass.'' the lady answered back. 

Yumeko was furious, so she slapped the lady in anger. With this, the lady was filled with rage so she swung the bottle of hairspray she was holding at Yumeko. Unfortunately, Instead of hitting her, it sprayed all of the liquid from inside straight onto Yumeko's face and most went in her eyes. She screamed in pain, thinking she was gonna go blind. Yumeko and Yuna stayed at the hospital that night, waiting for Yumeko's eye-drop medication.

The following day was Yuna's 16th birthday. She had always imagined a big party with all of her friends. Instead, she bought herself a store-bought cupcake and stuck an old party candle in through the middle. Her mother did end up getting her a present, but it was left on her desk with a small note that read, 'Happy Birthday, 'Una'. Inside, was a pink & diamond-encrusted phone case. Despite the sloppy execution, Yuna still appreciated it. 

Yuna's birthdays were always like this, just a note, cupcake and expensive gift from her mother to buy her forgiveness.

~Present Day~

Mitsuru's book was fully closed now as he said, ''Woah... gift or no gift, your mom should have been there on your birthday, at least.'' and Shizu added, ''Yeah. And that lady was crazy! Who sprays hairspray at someone and says it was an accident?'' to which Mitsuru debated, ''Theoretically, the cap could have been loose and easy to push down.'', Shizu and Mitsuru debated the 'accidental vs intentional' thing for a while. 

Before Yuna left the library, Shizu caught her attention. ''Yuna, wait! Try not to be too sad. You have us and your other friends now! Plus, remember we have our date tomorrow after school!'' Shizu smiled as Yuna chuckled and replied, ''Of course. Meet you at our favourite cafe?'', ''Heck yeah!'' Shizu exclaimed with a cheesy grin as Yuna finally waved to him and left the library. And after a bit more studying, so did Mitsuru and Shizu. 

In her dorm room that night, Yuna looked at her current phone case. Then, she smiled.

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