~| Chapter 5 |~

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Dabi wasn't home when I woke up but he did leave a note

'had a job I needed to do. Be a good flower I'll be back in a few days -Dabi'

It wasn't the first time he had jobs that took days to finish and I doubt it's gonna end soon "hmm guess im alone again" continuing the regular routine was no big issue just ment I didn't have much of anyone to talk to


I left the house and decided to walk to school since a teacher didn't like I had my skateboard yesterday "shh look it's frostbite"

"awe is she going to school?"

"I heard her brothers out of town"

"What a vulnerable child"

"She'd be an easy bounty with him gone"

"How dare she breathe?"

"We don't know when we'll get another chance such as this"

I stop in the center of the road "you think just because my brother is gone I'm left defenceless? That I'm vulnerable?" I took off my jacket and dropped my bag activating both my quirk's "HOW ADORABLE!" And blew the crowd from both sides, after that I picked up my jacket and bag and continued walking while ice spiers crumbled and the torched bones of those who threatened me fell to ash

I don't need anyone distracting me "if anyone stands in my way I'll kill them like the many I did before..." A slight breeze picked up and I continued my way to UA.

I got on the bus and got to UA "ugh...damn I shouldn't have used both quirks like that but they need to stay in thier place" I sat in my seat that I was put in but by the most worst luck you could get i was seated next to someone I considered a deadly threat, Todoroki Shoto. He doesn't know me but I absolutely hate him he's probably no better than his father endeavor, chances are he's worse

My headache didn't fade as much I wanted it to but enough for me to not immediately turn someone to ash "Today we will be starting your hero training your teacher for that will be-" *BAM* "HA HA HA! I AM HERE AS YOUR TEACHER!" Allmight bursted into the room and suddenly all I could see was him, my target my enemy with his stupid smile and stupid laugh

I didn't even notice my fire start to show, 'I gotta do it now is my chance I have the element of surprise but if I do I'm also surrounded by heros that will not hesitate to kill me and Dabi can't save me if I do it now' I felt the urge to light him and the school on fire and watch as their panic got stronger. I've got to do it, I need to do it. this all for us right?

To live a life good and well? Just me and Dabi left alone in the middle of nowhere where no hero or villain can bother us and we can be normal...I can be normal 'kill him Now' "sakura" I blinked and saw a hand on my forearm while it was heated and little flames flew "sit down it's alright" I was met with grey and blue eyes and white and red hair he was like a male version of me but...different.

For some reason I did as he asked and sat back in my desk like it was completely normal to be calm and unguarded around him "I...I apologize for that" he just nodded but he didn't let go and I didn't protest....why? What in hell is going on?

"HA HA! today we will be doing training that requires team work! so get your hero suits and meet me outside!!" And with that allmight left and I didn't do anything to chase after him, 'why am I hesitating now? I just have to get close enough to take him out in one blow I have the element of surprise so why? Why did I stop doing what I'm supposed to now?' "ahem well your hero suits are here and with the designs we had you send in beforehand your suits should meet your expectations if anything is wrong send it back in" aizawa opened something and cases came out

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