Theo: Son Of Apollo

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        I imedeatly knew that i had to stay conscious and assist him with getting over the boarder to the camp, that I could see, not even a hundered meters away.I walked over to him and saw him roll over and groan.I didn't know how long he had been fighting the monster but I asumed it wasn't very long because the cuts he had on his arms were still bleeding. I hooked one of my arms under his shoulders and took his let hand in mine and I draged him onward to the camp.Dang the first day that I get to the camp im going to have to be in the infirmary because i too had scratches and part of my hair was chopped off on the left side.As I was basically dragging the blonde kid along i noticed that  his hair was singed on the end wich stood out because the rest was blonde like the sun.He had a tall athletic build and he had huge feet from what I could tell.I began to wonder who his godly parent was because I was extremly curious in general.(the bold is the speach) "Hey!" a voice asked from behind me. I spun quickly, well as quickly as I could while holding the boy up. I instanly knew that I couldn't take on the mysterious voice while i had the boy with me, but I also figured that the mysterious voice was from the camp and porbably wouldn't fight two demigods, one wounded and the other one unconcious. I weighed my options not really knowing what to do, when the voice now easily identified as female called out to me again."hey who are you and what do you want " I wasn't really in the mood to talk or fight but maybe they would notice that i was going to the camp and assist me but my chances were probaly slim. With that I just continued towards the camp. Then all of a sudden I'm surrounded by a ton of demigods and a centar and my legs are wraped in grape vines. I look up and see a blonde girl standing directly in front of me with a New York yankees baseball cap stuck in her back pocket. Was I hullucinating or did she have wings? No! the stupid vines were sapping my strength. "please help my friend..... I know your from Camp Half-Blood and your not vicious" I said.I didn't know how long I was going to be concsious,but I wanted them to take care of my friend. "I never did catch your name "the girl said as my friend was being pulled onto a stretcher. "Penelope, Penelope Jackson Daughter of......." I never did finish my sentance before my strength was all gone and I blacked out.

Penelope Jackson(sister of Percy Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now