Team baby Arceus (ch 6)

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I wake up and open my eyes.

Alice asks, "did you sleep well?" I answer, "yes."

Alice looks at me, smiling, "it is good. You peed in your diaper while you slept. I just finished changing your diaper."

I blush, "did I pee?"

Alice says, "yes, but it is okay."

Alice takes me on her lap and touches my nose with her finger.

I can't help but giggle.

Then Alice puts me sitting on the bed. I transform into a human.

I hug Alice saying, "that was so fun."

Alice hugs back and says, "yes, it was. We have to do this again."

I say, "I have been thinking, what if we could be a team together?"

Alice says, "yes, of course, but I don't have a name for it."

I say, "me either."

Arceus comes to us, "soon, it is time to return you to where you came, but first, I want to give you something."

Arceus uses psychic, giving us an egg, and we take it carefully.

Arceus says, "this is my egg, and I want to give it to you because you can make so strong bond with any pokémon. When they hatch, they will always need diapers. They will be about Eevee-sized. I think you can take care of them better than I could."

I ask, "sorry if I'm rude, but why don't you just remove the special needs if you can't take care of them?"

Arceus answers, "because I couldn't do it before they hatch, and I feel that when they have hatched couldn't be fair for them."

I say, "oh, sorry."

Arceus says, "no need to be sorry. Your question is relatable. Moreover, I think the baby will like having other babies around them, and I trust you. The most important reason why I give my egg to you is that you can give them more love and care than I ever could."

We look at the egg enchanted.

I ask, "Hey, what if the name of our team could be "Team baby Arceus"?"

Alice says, "this is a good name."

Arceus says, "I want to give you something to help with taking care of them."

Arceus gives us a little white chest, and we open it.

In the chest are a white pacifier and baby bottle.

We pack the chest in Alice's bag.

Arceus says, "I have one more gift for you two."

Arceus puts rings on our forefinger, "with these rings. I gift you my power. You can always reach me."

We say, "thank you."

Arceus asks," what will be the name of the baby Arceus?"

We say together, "his name will be Sparkle."

Arceus says, "this is a good name. Now I return you to where you came," and we are in the same place where we battled together against the trainers who bullied Star and Cindy.

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